Chapter 19 - Hair

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-Perrie's POV-

I decided to go over and see Roxy. I wanted to apologize to her about everything that happened between Zayn. I knocked on her door and seconds later I saw her open it with the biggest smile on her face.

"Hey Pezza. What's up! Come in!"

She let me in as I took off my coat and we both went to her kitchen since it was breakfast time. She gave me some eggs and orange juice.

"I just came over to say that I'm really really, extremely sorry!"

She sat down next to me.

"There's no need to be sorry. Perrie, I should be apologizing. I should have told you everything."

I nodded as I took a sip of my orange juice,

"Wait a second? Why do you have orange juice if you don't even like it?"

She shrugged her shoulders,

"Sage is supposed to be coming over and I know how much you and her love it. She told me she had something really important to tell me and it had to be in person."

Perrie nodded,

"I can't wait to find out what it is-"

We heard a knock on the door as we both stared at eachother and raced to the door, we opened it and saw Sage smiling as wide as she physically could.

"Hey. You have a morning glow, looks like someone woke up on the happy side of the bed."

Sage walked in as we all sat down around the couch,

"I have something really important to tell you girls."

We both nodded as I looked down to see that she had a ring on her engaged finger.


I asked still staring at her ring, Roxy noticed and gasped when saw it,


We all started screaming and cheering as we both jumped on Sage and squeezed her to death.

"I can't believe you guys are really engaged!"

I squeeled,

"When did he ask you? And why weren't we invited tocome see the action?"

Roxy protested,

"He took me out to dinner last night and I swear it was the best night we ever had because we were laughing and saying everything. We had every single emotion that night, except sad was missing."

We all started jumping and down,

"Come on let's go eat and go shopping"

We placed another plate down for Sage.

"Oh please don't make this about me now. We are enjoying our breakfast with the thought of Sage's wedding in mind.

Roxy said to cover up. We both knew she never turned down an opportunity to talk about herself.

"Oh come on, we want to know!"

Sage pleaded as Roxy sighed,

"Fine. I find that Louis is acting a little too caring ever since our night together when we made up and decided to stay as friends. He let's me wear his sweaters. Surprises me every day with pomegranate smoothies. I don't know what he'll do next."

She said as she took a sip of her pomegranate juice.

"You are addicted to pomegranates."

Sage said pointing towards her choice of drink,

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now