Chapter 28 - The Only Reason

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-Michael's POV-

I really couldn't believe that I met Roxy again at the bar last night and she's coming to see us perform! I'm so nervous because I know her position. I looked to see Ashton and Calum filming keeks as they came up to me.

"Say hi to our fans we have."

I faked a smile and waved because we didn't have fans. We're just a band who performs and does covers of songs at a bar and posts videos on YouTube! For real though?

Ashton stopped the keek.

"Come on. Lighten up. It's just Roxy."

Ashton tapped my back and tried to encourage me. I shot him a sly smile as we both headed out for our performance. We caught up with Luke at the bar as we started setting up our instruments.

"Okay. Guys what song are we playing tonight?"

Luke asked as he set up our microphones.

"Let's play Heartache on the Big Screen."

Calum suggested,

"What about Never Be?"

Ashton spoke up as they started debating which song was better.


Luke chimed as we all turned to his direction,

"Since Roxy is coming to see us tonight. Maybe we should let Michael decide on what song we do. It is his crush we're talking about-"

"I don't have a crush on Roxy."

The guys all took a step back,

"No need to get your American apparel underwear in a twist!"

Luke said referring to one of the songs we wrote.... It's a long story.

"Okay fine. Whatever. I say we play The Only Reason."

I suggested as I took my guitar strap and slipped it on, the guys all smiled and agreed as they went back stage. I started playing with the strings and closed my eyes to take the affect in. I heard the bell go off signalling that someone came in the bar. I opened my eyes to see Roxy standing infront of me examining my guitar.

"Pretty cool Michael. Where's the rest of the boys?"

She asked as I went to comment but I saw someone else come in and gestured her to go to him.

"Have fun up there Mikey."

She smiled as she went to the guy as she looked very focused on everything he had to say. I noticed that she gestured her hand to the stage. Probably referring to us. I don't know who that guy is. I sure hope it's not her boyfriend because if it is then damn! Out of all of the guys I told her wanted to date her, why would she chose someone so old and ugly as him?

I heard the guys laughing as they came out and went to their positions. Ashton placed water bottles infront of the stage for us. I shot him a thumbs up as i nodded towards Roxy. Ashton looked at her and his jaw dropped. He jumped off of the stage to go talk to her.

I mentally face palmed myself because she seriously doesn't need his no sense right now-

They are laughing, okay. Not bad. In high school they totally seemed like they hated each other and now it's like this? I don't get her sometimes!

I got snapped out of my thoughts as I barely noticed that Luke and Calum were right beside Ashton talking away and laughing with her. I decided to slip off my guitar and place it on it's spot and go join in the conversation before the guys ruin anything.

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now