Chapter 26 - Last Goodbye

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-Roxy's POV-

I decided that I would go and say goodbye to everyone. I looked around Syco records to see that there was 5 tour buses outside and I heard loud music and cheering. I almost felt like I wasn't at work because it seemed like to much fun.

I walked inside to see everybody huddled together and laughing. They all looked up and started cheering as they all came up to hug me.

"Hey guys."

I said as they squeezed me. I looked around to see that Louis was also in the hug. He weakly smiled at me as I did the same. I don't know why, but I feel like there's a heavy burden on my chest as I continue to stare into his eyes. I don't know what he was feeling right now. But I know I had to end things with him.

Before I could go and grab his hand, all of the girls squeezed me as I faked a smile for them and started jumping with them.

"I'm gonna miss you girls so much!"

I said as Perrie and Sage squeezed me again,

"We will call you every single day!"

I smiled as they patted my back,

"All of you girls are engaged. I'm so happy for you."

I meekly said as I felt myself being tugged somewhere else,

I looked up to see Zayn.

"Zayn, I'm going to miss you like crazy. Take care of yourself and please don't worry about me. Thanks for being the best guy friend any girl could ever have."

I squeezed him as I felt him rub my back up and down,

"I will worry about you because I know that you have gone through a lot with your feelings these past three weeks."

I nodded my head as I let go of him to see Louis grab my hand and take me to another room.

He shut the door behind him as he grabbed me in his arms. I was surprised at first but then I just decided to hug him back. I don't even know why we are acting this way but I hope it somehow helps me get over him.

"I think this time apart will be good for us."

I slightly said as Louis let go to face me,

"What are you talking about?"

Louis asked as he folded his arms,

"I will be finding another record label to work for. You go have fun on your tour. Don't think about whatever it is that happened between us too much. We are both 18 and we need to both find our new starts."

Louis sighed as he looked at the ground. I picked his chin up to look me in the eyes.

"This is our last goodbye Louis."

I said as a few tears fell down from my eyes, I don't know why I did what I did but I slowly leaned in as our lips met for our final kiss. I know that he doesn't know that this will be my last goodbye to him and to everyone else forever. They all don't know what I have planned up my sleeve. But I do and I'm terrified of what I'll do.

Louis let go as we heard a knock at the door. I opened it to see Simon standing there, angry as hell.

"Roxanne. You are fired for sure now. Nobody drops me!"

He said as he slammed the door, shit! He heard everything!!!

I sighed as I grabbed the door handle and Louis grabbed my hand.

sighed as I let him just stare at me one last time before I decided to leave,

"Did you even love me from the start, was this all a lie?"

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now