Chapter 55 - Carry On

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-Louis POV-

I was watching TV with Harry as I heard the door open. I was surprised to see Roxy.

"Hey Rox."

I said as she faked a smile at me,

"Can we talk alone?"

She asked as Harry looked at me,

"That's my cue!"

Harry got up and walked out of the door as Roxy came and sat down next to me.

"I was just going to call you-"

"It's okay Louis, we don't need any of that. You knew I needed time and thank you for allowing me that time to think over things."

I nodded my head,

"Yeah I think I needed it too."

She placed her hand on my face.

"Louis, what do you think we should do with this situation?"

She asked me, but I honestly didn't know what to do... I love Roxy but at this point, I feel like there will just be more complications with our feelings for other people.

"Roxy, I love you. But I think that we should take a break."

I said to her as she gently nodded her head,

"I agree with you... But I honestly don't think that we should take a break. I think we need to end things."

She caught me off guard with that statement, but instead of replying. I wanted to think about what she was trying to do.

"I love you too, but I think this has gone on for way too long and I need closure. I haven't been able to be myself since we started dating and I really want to figure out what i want in my life without having to worry about pleasing others. But we have been at this for almost four years. You have been in my heart for longer than that."

I tried to put my arm around to ease the crying but she pushed me away.

"It's time for goodbye Louis."

She said as she got up, I pulled her back down.

"I don't know if you have gotten your closure, but you have made your decision and I want to fight for you. But you don't want me too.but I also need closure for myself."

She looked at me waiting for me to say something,

"I am terribly sorry for everything that has happened between us and I wish it could've worked out. I will always love you no matter what. You were my rock and I fell for you fast. I am so happy that I had you in my life. I'm really going to miss you.."

I felt an overwhelming feeling rise from my stomach from the inside of my throat.

"I'm going to miss you too Louis."

She said as she wrapped her arms around me. I squeezed her tight as I let a few tears fall from my eyes. I really do love this girl and it's tearing me apart because I thought we could've made it.

I let go of her as she looked at me teary eyed,

"I really don't want this to be the end of us..."

She admitted as I stroked her hair,

"Well, I think I have an idea..."

I said as she looked at me confused,

"What is it?"

She asked,

"Why don't I go on a date with Perrie and you go on a date with Michael and we'll both see if it works out."

I said loving the idea because we never know what the outcome may be,

"I don't know Louis..."

She said hesitating,

"This will prove if we can let go..."

I said not wanting it to be true, she knows my heart is with her and my mind is made up. The cards are in her hands now.

-Ashton's POV-


I screamed as I finished the last part of my game.

I heard the door open as I saw Roxy,

"Hey Rox, what's up?"

I said as she wrapped her arms around my hips and layed her head on my chest.

"Oh no, is my Roxy upset?"

I asked as she nodded her head,

"Well, Louis and I sort of broke up."

She said as i sat up,

"Wait why?"

I said surprised because they didn't seem like they were going to break up so soon,

"Because I kissed Michael... And he has feelings for Perrie."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing,

"Seriously what the fuck happened to make you two fall for other people?"

She sighed and continued,

"I guess it was nice to have someone care for me as much as Michael does. I know he loves me and thinks I'm the one; but I'm sure that Louis feels the same about me. I know that my feelings are stronger for Louis than Michael but I don't know if Louis feelings are stronger for me or Perrie..."

I couldn't believe that he fell for Perrie! Maybe since they were apart for such a long time, they ended up developing feelings for other people. But I'm sure they can work through this.

"Rox, do you want honest advice or just someone to vent to?"

I asked her as she lightly smiled,

"Advice please."

I nodded my head as I started,

"Okay, I have seen the way that you guys look at each other; and I can tell that you and Louis are head over heels in love with each other. I've also seen Louis and Perrie together and Louis doesn't look at her the same way he looks at you."

I know how Louis feels about her and it's sad that she doesn't want to be with Mikey but I'm sure that she and Louis can make it if they are more involved in each other's life's.

"Well I really don't want to hurt Michael either... But I have to go on a date with him."

She said as my jaw dropped,

"Why do you have to?"

I asked her as she sighed,

"Louis is going on a date with Perrie and I'm going on a date with Michael to see what we decide."

I completely just had to stand up, this is not okay to do,

"Roxy! What the hell? If you are even considering this you are crazy!"

She looked like I attacked her as she raised her hands in defense,

"What do you mean?"

"If you play around with other people's feelings to see how you feel about each other, that is just messed up and not nice at all."

I tried to knock some sense in to her because this is ridiculous man! She can't play with Mikey's feelings.

"Mikey might end up falling for you even more and you might just want to be with Louis. So this is not okay for anyone and it using someone is not an option! At all! I don't approve of it and I sure in hell hope that Louis doesn't approve of it either!"

I said protecting Mikey. No girl has the right to use him. He is a great, caring and loving guy!

"So what do I do?"

She asked me as a few tears slid down her face,

"Do what you think is right Rox."

So this is the last pre-chapter of the book. My next chapter shows what happened and who went with who! So enjoy lovelies and stay strong xx

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now