Chapter 45 - Last Chance

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-Sage's POV-

I was writing down some notes about Little Mix and their tour, when I heard a knock on the tour bus.

I sighed and got up, I really need to finish their biography so I can start writing my fiction novel,

"Omg Rox!"

I was surprised to see her standing there as I hugged her

"It's great to see you too Sagey!"

She said as I was washed over with excitement,

"Omg come in, let's catch up! It's been forever."

I said as she came in and sat in a booth across from me,

"So what's up Rox?"

I asked as she looked down towards her thumb and twiddled them,

"I want to tell you something but I don't know how you will react"

I looked at her weirdly,

"What is it?"

She took a deep breathe and looked at me,

"Please don't be mad at me-"

I cut her off ,

"Rox just tell me because you are scaring me!"

I said expecting her to spill the beans. I mean, is she pregnant or something?

"Me and Louis are back together."

She said with a smile and I just stared at her,


She asked me,

"I don't know how you want me to react to that."

I giggled as she looked surprised,

"I thought you would be mad?"

She said confused,

"Why would I be mad? I already knew you guys were going to get back together. Everybody did."

I said stating the truth, because everyone liked them together... I didn't really but if it makes her happy then who am I to get in between that?

"Oh, well I am happy that you aren't mad at me."

She said with a smile,

That's exactly what I want. To see her beautiful smile and no more tears!

-Louis POV-

I was planning on setting up a romantic evening with Roxy after she was with the girls.

I placed down my picnic basket and threw some rose pedals on the picnic blanket I set down.


I said with smiling at the arrangement,

My phone started ringing as I picked it up.


I said,

"Louis , where are you?"

Zayn said on the other end,

"I'm outside in the woods near where our bus is parked."

I said a little anxious, did they leave without me or something?

"Oh, okay I'll be there in a minute. We need to talk."

Zayn said as I nodded my head and shut off my phone.

I was placing my phone in my pocket when a voice from behind startled me,

"Who is this lovely picnic for?"

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now