Chapter 50 - Broken Pieces

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-Michael's POV-

I was in the studio writing down some lyrics.

"I'll find a way to fix these broken pieces and let go."

I hummed to myself,

This song is about how we thought things were going to work out but it just ended up extremely bad. And the two people just had a toxic relationship and created a toxic environment for them both to live in. Yes this is about Roxy.. But I do need her help on some of the lyrics.

I knocked on her office door as I heard heels clicking on the floor, the door open and Roxy smiled widely at me.

"Hey Mikey!"

She said as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders as I pulled her close by the waist.

"Hey Rox, I need your help with my song."

She gestured for me to go in her office as she closed the door behind her.

"Okay so what exactly do you need help with on your song?"

She said taking out her laptop and opening it.

"Well, my song is about two people that liked each other but things didn't work out between them and no matter how hard they try, they both are trying to figure out how to fix the broken pieces that's left of them so they can let go."

She looked impressed as she looked at the sheet of lyrics I gave her. She quickly typed down the lyrics I gave her as she added in more.

"What do you think of this line?"

She said as she went to the piano and start to play a tune that I loved. It seemed dramatic as she pressed on the keys hard and started to sing,

"We're fading out, we're all alone
It's what you wanted, I suppose
I can tell you feel the same
When you say you're looking for a way to change your mind, don't walk away"

She stopped as she looked at me for my response,

"That is brilliant!"

I said as I sat down next to her and started to play on the piano,

"Okay so, I want more of your output on this. I have something to do first, but I'll be back in five minutes is that okay?"

I nodded my head as she got up and left the room. Just being with her makes me happy but it sparks back some feelings I have for her...

I saw Ashton walk by the room as I saw his body back up in the team of the door,

"What are you doing in here?"

Ashton asked me as I shuffled my papers together,

"I needed help on a song I'm writing."

I said as he folded his arms,

"Since when do you write songs without me or the guys?"

He asked me like a possessive wife,

"Since it's about something personal."

I admitted as he came closer,

-Roxy's POV-

I was excited that he could make it on such a short time period but I knew Alex Gaskarth is Michaels idol and he is in a meeting with Wayde so I stole him so we can write with him.

"Thank you so much Alex he adores you!"

I said as happy as a muffin... Wait, can muffins be feel emotions?

"No problem Rox. Any time you need a favor from me, call or text me."

He said while giving me a card,

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now