Chapter 39 - In This Life

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-Roxy's POV-

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. I looked down to fix myself as I saw I was wearing black sweats and a Rolling Stones t-shirt. I got up as I looked around to see that I was obviously in Michaels room as I tripped over a bunch of videogames that were scattered across the floor.

I walked out of his room and into the kitchen where I saw eggs and bacon on the table.

"Hey beautiful."

Michael said as he engulfed me in his arms.

"Hey Mikey.. Why did you make all of this?"

I asked him as we both sat down at the table.

My phone went off before Michael could explain. I sighed and answered it.

"What's up Wayde?"

I asked him as Michael set out everything.

"We need to talk. We've got a meeting in Ohio in 5 hours. You need to pack up and come with me now."

I sighed as I looked at my watch,

"Fine I'll be there just give me a few minutes to get ready."

"Good see ya then."

I hung up as I got up and ran to Michael's room. I heard foot steps run after me. I grabbed my suit case as I bumped into Michael.

"Where are you going?"

He asked as he held my wrists lightly.

"I've got a meeting in Ohio in 5 hours and I have to get on the plane now."

I protested as I tried to get out of his grip.

"Can the boys and I come?"

Michael asked me as I looked at him astonished,

"You really want to come?"

He nodded his head like a little puppy as I smiled in response.

"Fine. Text them now. Be there in an hour."

I said as I ran out the door.

-Louis POV-

I was called in by management as I sat in an unknown waiting room outside what I suppose is an office. I saw one of our managers walk out and gestured for me to walk in. I discreetly made my way in and pass my manager as I saw a bunch of people writing and chatting away.

"So why did you call me in here?"

I asked as an assistant sat me down.

"We didn't know that you were going to be a father Louis. You should have told us before we put you on this tour."

My eyes widened as I looked at all of them,

"I didn't get anyone pregnant. I'm not going to be a father. What did you guys hear?"

They handed me an iPad and showed me a list of my tweets.

"So what these are my tweets?"

I said agrivated as one of the assistants slid down the screen and handed it back to me. My jaw dropped when I saw the tweet. I wrote that Roxy and I are pregnant?

"No I'm sorry I didn't write that. Someone must have hacked into my account and wrote that."

I denied as I put the iPad down,

"We called in someone also to have this meeting."

My jaw dropped when I saw Roxy walk in, she didn't even make eye contact with me as she sat down beside me.

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now