Chapter 13 - Piano

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-Perrie's POV-

We were setting up the decorations and snacks on the table as we saw the guys run in.

"Okay everybody may I have you're attention."

Simon announced,

"I gave Roxanne the day off for a reason I'm sure her close friends would know. I am going to call her in tonight and that's when our party will go on. For the party, I will be announcing her new musical assistant."

Everyone clapped as he ended it with,

"That is all, get to planning people!"

Sage and I giggled as we saw James and Kendall come up to us,

"Our plan is to go take her out for the day and have fun and then bring her here!"

James announced, Sage raised her eyebrows at him,

"Babe, you can come with us too!"

He said trying to crack a smile from her,

"You guys can plan the party. I'm going to spend some alone time with my girlfriend."

Kendall said, James and Sage cooed as I rolled my eyes, I caught a glance at Louis and he was looking at Kendall with a straight face but I'm sure he was planning a million ways to kill him in his head,


Sage said as he got a bro-hug from James and a hug from Sage. I quickly took his hand and looked into those green playa eyes of his.

"Hurt my girl Kendall and I swear I'll fucking murder you."

Kendall backed up as he held his arms up in protest,

"I'm not going to hurt her gosh! I've change Perrie-"

"You better have or I'll rip you're fucking cock off. Kapeesh?"

Kendall sighed and nodded his head and headed off,

"Why are you so harsh on him?"

Sage asked as I looked over at Louis,

"Because, she's been hurt once before and I don't want her to get hurt again."

Sage took out plates as she tried to ignore what I said,

"Think about it Sage, she wouldn't want James or Zayn to hurt us? Right?"

She rolled her eyes and nodded, I smiled in return,

"Good, now go get ready for this and I'll just go be with Zayn and enjoy my 5 minutes of being right!"

Sage stuck out her tongue as I cheered in victory.

-Kendall's POV-

I walked up to Roxy's door and knocked, no answer.

I stood there for about five minutes as I decided to go in.


I said as I heard my voice echo through the halls.

"Rox, where are you?"

I went upstairs to find her all curled up in a ball in her bed. I jumped on top of her as I heard her yelp.

"What was that for?"

She asked me annoyed, I laughed.

"I want to take you out on a date. It has to start right now!"

She giggled as she got up and looked at herself in the mirror.

"I look like shit Kendall. I don't want to go anywhere!"

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