Chapter 22 - Blackout

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-Roxy's POV-

I have no clue of how many days I have been in this hospital but I just can't wait until the day that I can get out of here!

I heard a knock at the door as I saw Niall walk in with flowers.

"Niall? Why are you here?"

I asked him as he placed the flowers on the table beside me,

"Because I know how much shit you have been through out the years and I am tired of us fighting over something I shouldn't have done years ago to ruin our friendship."

I smiled as he sat next to me,

"Louis is really upset about what happened and he told me everything that happened that night at Liam's party and what you said and you are 1000% right for keeping him out of your life for now. And Kendall got it from me, I went to his house and I tepeed it. I threw eggs and chocolate and raw meat at it. I even went inside and told him what a fucking douchebag thing he did as I fucking pulled him by his shirt."

I giggled because I know Niall is trying to be all manly in this situation but seriously, he's just as cute as a penguin.

I pulled him in for a hug as we both smiled,

"Thanks Niall. Seriously, I have missed you. I'm so sorry for acting the way I did."

Niall shook his head,

"It takes time to realize things. I'm just glad you didn't keep me out of your life for a long period of time. I could've been a grandpa when we would turn out to be best friends again."

I laughed loudly as I covered my mouth as he laughed uncontrollably.

We heard another knock at the door as I saw a bunch of red roses come inside for me.

"Who sent me roses?"

I asked as I looked at the card. My eyes lit up when I saw who it was from. Niall took the card from me a his eyes widened.

"No! Louis needs to stop this."

Niall protested.

"You know what Niall? I think that Louis will never be fine with leaving me alone. I'm so tired of it."

The doctor walked in as Niall held my hand to calm me down. I don't know why but I was feeling a little overwhelmed at the time.

"Roxanne Malik, you may now leave the hospital. Do you have a ride home?"

Niall and looked at eachother.

"My name is Roxanne Dianne."

I corrected her as she looked at my wrists and on her clipboard.

"Right here it says your name is Roxanne Malik."

I rolled my eyes and got up as I grabbed a towel and covered my lower area. (I don't want people to see my ass, ok! I have some pride!)

Niall laughed as he grabbed my stuff as we left the hospital. We walked through the busy crowds as we looked at all of the people as we passed by. We went to his car as we saw Louis standing there. My jaw dropped as he grabbed my stuff.

"I'm bringing her home Niall."

He said sternly as Niall grabbed back my stuff,

"No your not."

I grabbed my bags as I started to walk off. Louis grabbed on to my arm as I winced in pain. He swept me off of my feet as he sat me down in the passengers seat.

"See you later I guess Niall."

I said as Niall hesitated but he nodded and walked off to find his car.

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now