Chapter 17 - Daydreamin'

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-Louis POV-

I woke up with a smile on my face. I've never done that before?

I got up out of bed and looked around for some clothes to wear today.

I decided on a red t-shirt and some gray sweats. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I think I should shave today. I thought to myself as I brushed my beard and moustache.

I took out my razor and had a picture of Roxy's cuts in my head. I put it back away as I took out my electric razor. I just don't understand why she had to go back to cutting. I really need to make her happy so that she doesn't feel like she doesn't belong here anymore.

LIGHTBULB! I will try and be a total gentlemen and show her what she deserves! She does deserve the best. I've gotta go grab a mcmuffin from McDonald's and a pomegranate smoothie for her. I know how much she loves mcmuffins and smoothies.

I grabbed my keys and my gray sweater for her. I always knew how much she loved to wear my clothes when we were together.

I ran out the door and right to McDonald's.

-Roxy's POV-

I got up and went to take a quick shower, I washed my hair and blowed dried it and straightened it afterwards. I heard a knock at the door as I opened it and saw Kendall looking tired as hell.

"You ready to go sleepy head?"

I giggled as he rolled his eyes and grabbed me and pulled me in to him.

"Why didn't you let me take a shower with you?"

He whined like a little boy,

"Come on. We've got to get to work. I'm leaving with or without you."

He kissed my forehead and slipped off his boxers like if no one was around. I rolled my eyes as I closed the bathroom door and grabbed my purse and headed to my car.

When I was on the road, I realized that I didn't eat anything. I was craving a mcmuffin and a smoothie so I stopped at McDonald's. I didn't feel like going through the drive through so I just went inside and saw a bunch of old men sipping on coffees, eyeing the place for a single old women I guess.

I waited in line that was long as hell as I heard a familiar voice at the beginning of the line. I decided to get out of the line and head up to the front.


I asked and saw him turn to look at me surprised,

"Hey Roxy what are you doing here?"

He asked me as I cringed,

"I'm here for breakfast."

I noticed his order was ready as he had two pomegranate smoothies and a to-go bag.

"Who is the other smoothie for?"

I asked him as he grabbed his stuff and thanked the cashier.

"It was supposed to be a surprise for you since I know how much you love mcmuffins and smoothies."

I grabbed the smoothies off him to help him out,

"Come let's sit."

I said as we both did and he took out the mcmuffins and gave me one.

"You didn't have to do this."

I said as I took a big scrumptious bite out of it,

"You're right, I didn't have to. But I wanted to."

I smiled as I saw him flash a smile back at me, Louis phone went off and he checked it. He sighed and turned it off.

"Who was it?"

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now