Chapter 11 - Forgotten

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-Roxy's POV-

I was sitting next to Zayn while the rest of his family was by his side. I held on to his hand as tightly as possible. I've never seen him so upset. It's heartbreaking.

I looked up at her casket, wondering what it would be like to actually go to my fathers funeral. It would have torn me apart to see him laying dead in his coffin.

I listened to the man talk about what an amazing girl Waliyah was. I wish that I've gotten the chance to meet her. She seemed to be the most amazing little sister anyone could have ever had... Oh come on, I don't want to tear up too.

I put my hand on Zayn's shoulder trying to calm him down, I whispered in his ear,

"Try to comfort you're mom."

He finally opened his eyes and stopped sobbing to see that his mom was in the same position as he was. He squeezed on to her and I smiled, I loved seeing him be so caring about his mother.

-Perrie's POV-

We got off of the plane, I couldn't stop crying, thinking about all the things that they could be doing. Maybe he's introducing his new fiancée to his mother. Maybe he's kissing her right now. Maybe they are so happy that it brings me to tears.

Louis intertwined our fingers as I held on to him,

"Nothing bad is going on Pezza, stop worrying so much."

I shook my head, I don't want to believe anything until I find out what Zayn's hiding from me... I mean come on, why would he be hiding things from me and telling Roxy everything? This doesn't make any sense, other than he's cheating on me with her.

"Come on Pezza."

He kissed my forehead as we kept going. I couldn't help but think of what Roxy sees in Louis. He is attractive, funny, smart. Everything that a girl would want...

I flashed a smile at him as he showed his toothy grin in return. My heart started to flutter like crazy!

Wait no, you're heart is not supposed to flutter for Louis.

"You thinking about something because you suddenly look very happy.."

Louis said as he snapped me out of my daydream.

"Nope. No. I-I'm good."

Louis hugged me and I took in the smell of his cologne which made my heart melt. Come on! Stop doing things to my heart Lou-eh!

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, show me the way to Zayn's thy fair lady!"

Louis said as he twirled his hand and motioned and curtsied.

-Zayn's POV-

"I-I can't tell her Rox. You don't get it. I don't even think I deserve to be with Perrie anymore. Maybe I should just kill myself off-"

She cut me off,

"Never say or think of that ever again Zayn. It's not funny! You deserve to be with Perrie, you deserve to be happy. You should live the life that you want with whomever you please."

I sighed, maybe she's right,

"But you're not living the life you want. You want the person you love back, but you're not doing anything about it."

She looked down at the floor, I know I shouldn't have brought it up but I'm a little tense right now,

"You know what, forget it. See you back at home Zayn."

She said as she got up,

"Now look who's giving up, come on Rox. Why don't you fight for what you want in life? Why do you just ignore the things that build you into a better person?"

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now