Chapter 9 - More Than Friends

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-Zayn's POV-

"She was with me and we broke up two years ago."

I said so Roxy wouldn't have to explain to Simon about her break-up with Louis.

"What? I thought that you were with Perrie?"

Simon said disbelieving what he was hearing,

Before Roxy could say anything, I sat beside Simon,

"Why did you guys break up?"

Simon questioned as Roxy spoke up,

"We never-"

I cut her off for her own good, I'm not being rude, OK?

"We broke up because a long distance relationship would have been hard to keep for us... After that I was so heartbroken I met Perrie and we instantly fell in love and I forgot all about Roxy. No offence Rox."

She put up her hands in protest as as rolled her eyes,

"Can Zayn and I have a minute Simon?"

Simon smiled at the both of us and got up and walked towards the door,

"I hope you two don't get into a fight while I'm gone."

He said as he winked at us and left, what a crazy person. As soon as I heard the door click declaring that it was closed, I felt a hard slap on my shoulder.

"What was that for?"

I held my arm in pain,

"Why did you say that we were dating Zayn?"

She said as she started crying,

"Because I didn't want you to have to talk about Louis with Simon... And also because you're always there for me and I wanted to return the favor."

She wiped away some of her tears,

"Come on Zayn, you didn't need to do that. I could've just been honest with Simon."

I don't know why but I couldn't help but cry myself, I grabbed on to Roxy as she let me cry.

"You know what, let's go see your parents tonight and stay for the weekend so we can get away from all of this. You need to clear your mind."

I nodded as we heard the door click open,

"Hey guys."

I heard Perrie say as we let go of our hug,

"Simon wants you in recording, Zayn."

Perrie said as I could see her biting her lip trying not to suspect anything between me and Roxy. There is nothing going on between us. Everyone should just calm the hell down!

"Yeah, thanks babe. See you later Rox."

Roxy nodded as she went back to her desk and we walked out,

"Is there something I should be aware about Zayn?"

Perrie said as fear lingered in her voice,

"Nothing Perrie. Nothing's going on, everything's good."

I bitterly replied as I went into the recording booth pulling on my best game face.

-Louis POV-

I was at the park just admiring the people walking by. I ate some kettle chips on the park bench as I saw someone running and crying. As the good guy I'm trying to be. I grabbed on to the person and forced them to look at me.

"Perrie? Why are you crying?"

I said as I looked at a heartbroken looking Perrie,

"I-I feel like Zayn is ch-ch-cheating on me w-with R-Roxy!"

She said as I automatically pulled her back,

"What? Why would you say that?"

The anger was rising in my voice,

"They are always whispering and hugging whenever I see them. Zayn won't tell me anything anymore, and were supposed to be getting married one day."

Perrie looked agitated, so was I. Zayn has been extremely quiet these days. He hasn't been his normal self around us. I couldn't stand to see Perrie crying her pretty eyes out. After all, she is my best friend.

"I have a plan."

I blurted out as Perrie stopped sobbing.

"How about, we act suspiciously loving around them and they will have to cave about what their hiding. I jus hope that it's not that he's cheating on you because you're so good together."

Perrie smiled as she took my hand,

"Thanks Lou. You're an amazing friend."

I returned the smile as we went off to Syco records to meet Simon for something he needed me for ASAP. I don't know what's up with him, but let's find out !

-Roxy's POV-

"So we have five hours to get there?"

Zayn nodded as he grabbed my bags and put them on the luggage kart for the plane. He grabbed my hand as I squeezed his comfortably.

"Everything will be fine buddy. You just need to see your family and reconcile this with them."

I could see Zayn that was holding back tears. I squeezed him as I saw flashes outside, is it thundering?

I let go of Zayn to see people wearing all black with cameras outside the wall taking pics of us... But why?


I said anxiously as Zayn noticed what was bugging me. He grabbed my hand as we quickly started walking off to our plane.

"Why is there paparazzi taking pics of us?"

I asked as I started to feel uncomfortable,

"I guess you really don't pay attention to one direction, right?"

Zayn questioned me stating that I'm avoiding Louis.

"No... Why?"

I asked cluelessly,

"Well, we are pretty famous in every country so it is a big deal who were seen with, apparently."

We sat down at our seats and fastened our seat belts,

"This could get out to Perrie."

I started to panic, I don't want things to go wrong between them!

"Honestly, I couldn't care less about that right now."

Zayn said as he rubbed his eyes,

"Well you should. You're going to marry Perrie one day. You have to tell her what's going on. She'll understand!"

I protested as Zayn put on some earplugs.

"Wake me up when we're there."

"But Zayn."

I stopped as I realized he was on shutdown mode. I decided to do the same as I looked out the window just thinking of poor Perrie. What is she up too right now?

I took out my phone as I saw that I had an notification on my twitface account.

"Relationship status with Kendall Schmidt..."

Why is that there?

"Confirm relationship status with Kendall Schmidt?"

I took a second to think about it... Kendall is really not going to give up. I've known this since day one. He tells Simon and everyone that were dating. If I accept this, James will win though. And I don't want James winning!!

I really do like Kendall and I think he could really help me get over Louis...


I smiled as my relationship status was updated to in a relationship with Kendall!! For some reason,my heart fluttered and there was an exciting feeling rising in my stomach.

So!!! Kexy (or Koxy) are officially together. Finally!

I don't have much to say for this authors note so...

Stay strong lovelies xx

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now