Chapter 33 - Sweet Despair

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-Roxy's POV-

I got towards the tour buses as I saw the girls run out and attacked me in hugs.

"Roxy you're here! We're going to have so much fun!"

Perrie screeched as we all cheered and ran into the bus.

-Louis POV-

I was sitting down with Eleanor on the tour bus as she was texting away on her phone.

"El. Who are you texting ?"

I asked her as she looked up at me,

"Uhm. Perrie told me that Roxy's here..."

She said as I got up and walked off of the bus and knocked on theirs. I saw Sage open the door.

"Louis. What do you want?"

She asked me harshly,

"I wanted to say hi to Rox."

I said to her as she had second thoughts. But she let me on the bus as I heard shrieks and a bunch of them talking. I looked at Roxy who was sitting around the rest of the girls and giggling her head off. She had such an amazing smile and laugh that I really regret everything I've said to her.

"Hey Louis."

Jade said as all of the girls looked up at me, Roxy with a shocked expression. I tried to smile as she looked down.

"Hey girls. I just wanted to say hey and also. Rox, can we talk, please?"

The girls all exchanged looks. Of course they knew what happened between us. The whole fucking world did too.

Roxy stood up and grabbed my arm as I walked her off of the tour bus, we walked off to a corner where no one could see us.

"Roxy. I'm incredibly sorry-"

She grabbed me and I was surprised to feel her lips on mine. It felt so right as I kissed her back.

She let go of me as a few tears escaped her eyes.

"What's wrong Rox?"

I asked her while rubbing her back,

"I want to be with you but I also want you to move on Louis. Every time I've tried to let you go or tried to say goodbye to you. You'd always find your way back in my life and I'm trying to see if this is faith or not."

She said as a few more tears fell down her eyes. I could see that she was as pale as a ghost. She seemed very weak at every touch. I tried to calm her down but it didn't seem to work.

"Well. I have to date Eleanor for management so how about i break up with her so we can be together finally?"

Roxy looked up at me with such despair in her eyes.

"Look Louis. I just need some space from you. That's all I'll ask you for a while. I really need this to recover. I've been in the hospital because I'm becoming weak. My anxiety has come back and I can't stop cutting. Please respect me when I ask you if we can not talk about this. If we don't stop acting the way we are. I don't know what I would do next. I'm going absolutely crazy."

She said as she whisper screamed. I nodded my head.

"I'll respect you're decision. Like you said before; if I really love you. I would respect what you ask of me. I just have to tell you that if you ever need me or whenever your ready, I'm right here for you."

She flashed me a small grin as I kissed her once more never wanting to stop. As we let go, there was a darkness in her eyes that I couldn't help but notice. She really is full of anxiety. I hope she gets better soon.

-Ashton's POV-

I was at home while I watched Calum and Michael play videogames on the sofa. I tried calling Roxy again for the fifth time. It went straight to voicemail so I left her a subtle message.

"Hey Roxy. It's Ash again. Can you please call me back to tell me if you're okay? I'm worried about you. Bye."

As I hung up, I noticed the guys paused their games and their full attention was on me.


I asked them annoyed.

"I just love how your calling her every hour and you say that you guys are just friends."

Calum huffed as I rolled my eyes and got up.

"You guys hungry?"

I asked trying to change the subject.

"Don't try to change the subject. I know that you know something about her that we don't."

Calum stated as Michael looked down and kept quiet.

"Look. It doesn't concern you Cal. So stay out of it."

I snapped at him,

"Michael. Do you agree with me that Ashton and Roxy should be together?"

Calum asked as Michael looked up,

"I'm not getting into this fight. It's between you guys."

Calum and I exchanged weird looks, Michael would always tell us what he's actually thinking?

"Mike, it's not like you to not tell us to stop being idiots or something. Anything but "it's between us" "

I protested as Michael stood up,

"Roxy can date whoever she wants-"

"Ooh, guess there's going to be a love triangle-"

Calum giggled as Michael went to attack him. I grabbed him forcefully and held him back.

"Come on guys. We need to start working on some songs. Stop fighting!"

I said as the boys and I finally calmed down and decided to finally take out our instruments in the garage and start practicing.

"I've got the perfect song idea. Let's write something like there's a bunch of things we didn't say to someone."

Michael suggested,

"And who would that be?"

I questioned him as Calum did googly eyes,

"No one in particular Ashton Irwin."

He said in a monotone voice.

Sooo.. This chapter sucked. Anyways. On to the next one ;) stay strong lovelies xx

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now