Chapter 43 - No Surprise

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-Louis POV-

Perrie and I were looking up stuff on my laptop.

"You have pictures of bunnies?"

We both giggled as we heard a knock on the tour bus door.

I answered it as I saw Niall come in with a black briefcase.

"So you called me to see who hacked your account?"

We both nodded as he sat down beside Perrie,

"Bunnies? Really Louis?"

Perrie giggled as I sat in front of him,

"I don't really need to look on ur computer because we have cameras in our buses that I placed there in case some girl I know tried to do anything... And look at what I found."

He played back a video on my laptop as we saw Eleanor on my laptop as she typed away,

"Thanks Erik, now Roxy's gonna hate Louis."

I gasped as I saved the file for evidence to prove to Roxy that it wasn't me.

I was about to say something as we heard the door open, Perrie got up to see who it was. My jaw dropped to see Roxy standing there.

Perrie ran up to her and squeezed her.

"What are you doing here?"

She asked happily surprised as much as I was,

"I need to talk to Louis."

She said as I was shocked to hear that she needed to talk to me.

"Okay Niall, let's go."

Niall and Perrie left as she sat right in front of me,

"What's wrong Rox?"

I asked her as she sighed and looked at the floor,

"I need to let you know that I am sorry for breaking up with you two years ago just because your mom didn't want us together and because of how you saw me before we dated. It was completely stupid of me because I realized that..."

She took another deep breath as she looked at me,

"I love you, Louis. I can't imagine myself with anybody else. I can't stop thinking about you. I know you're with Eleanor and you're happy but I just needed-"

I interrupted her,

"What makes you think that I am happy with her? I'm only with her for press and because I thought you would never forgive me or talk to me again."

She looked at the floor again as I tilted her head up with my index finger.

"Roxy, I'm in love with you. I always have been I just didn't recognize it those years in high school."

She smiled at me as she got up and sat beside me. She placed her hands around my waist and rested her head on my chest as I held her as close as I could to me.

"I want us back Louis."

She confessed as I played with her hair,

"I do too."

She looked up at me,

"So, can we be us again?"

I smiled,

"Yes we can. I'm gonna break up with Eleanor. You are mine Rox, don't you ever forget that."

She got up and grabbed my face and forced my lips onto hers. I smiled through out the kiss because she is finally mine once again! I was convinced that Michael would have stolen her away from me but I feel amazing to be here with her finally in my arms.

She let go as she looked at me and smiled,

"I missed you."

She confessed,

"I missed you too."

I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear,

"How about we go out to dinner tonight to catch up on what we've missed?"

She smiled.

"I'd love that."

-Michael's POV-

I was looking around Roxy's apartment, I hoped she was going to get back because I needed to confess my feelings to her before it's too late. Ash told me she was upset about something and I wanted to know what.

"Hey buddy."

I turned around to see Ash,

"Ash? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

He contradicted me as we went to sit down on Roxy's front steps,

"So, what's up Mikey?"

Ashton asked me, he knew when something was wrong. That's why he's my best bud.

"I was just looking for Rox, I needed to ask her opinion about a song."

I lied as Ash scratched his head,

"Well, Roxy went to go see Louis."

My jaw dropped,


Ash looked at me weird as I shook my head,

"Why is she going to see Louis? Doesn't she have a restraining order against him..?"

Ash nodded and explained,

"Well, I'm sorry to say bud, but I think they are getting back together."

I felt a sharp pain in my chest as he said that. I rubbed it my chest and looked at the grass,


I started,

"As long as he doesn't hurt her I am happy for her."

I faked a smile, but i felt like I wanted to cry. Like I wanted to become hulk and break through trees.

"I'm sorry mate. I know how much she meant to you-"

I cut him off as I started to laugh,

"No, she does not mean much to me. She is just my friend, no matter what anyone else says."

Ash sighed and put his hand on my shoulder and it felt like a boulder. Must have been the aftermath of the mix of shock and hurt I'm feeling right now.

"I know you love her. I am here for you if you need me-"

I shoved his hand off as I got up and looked him dead in the eyes and said something I knew I would regret,

"I don't love and will never love that slut. I may have wanted to get in her pants but I don't give a fuck about her anymore. If I can I would still take advantage of her and fuck her but that's it. I don't want her as a girlfriend because she is too fucked up and I'm using her for the fame right now, look at how well we are doing!"

"You don't mean that Mikey-"

"Yes I do, don't tell me how I feel."

Ash sighed again,

"Whatever you say but I'm still here for you if you need me-"

"I don't need you so fuck off!"

I said as I got up and madly walked away from him. Yes I feel bad for what I said because I didn't mean any of it, but I'm so hurt. I thought she had something for me too. I know what he's going to do to her and how she is going to end up. But I know one thing that is true, I am out of the picture. If he hurts her, I won't be there to pick up the pieces. She had her chance and she fucked up, big time. I'm done being her punching bag. She has Louis now.

So Loxy is back together! Who saw that one coming? (Not me) anyways let me know how the story is so far and thank you so much for reading this!!!

Love you all, stay strong lovelies xx.

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now