Chapter 5 - Come With Me Now

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-Roxy's POV-

I got home around 6:00 pm after a long recording session, and it's not even for my own album! I layed down on the couch as Pashmina jumped on me.

"Hi sweet heart. Kendall's coming soon. I'm so fucking tired."

I said as I grabbed her in my arms as I walked her to the door and attached her leash to her collar.

"Let's go for a quick walk sweetie."

She swiftly wagged her tail as we walked down the long paved road. Honestly, this was my life. Getting up and going to work and back just in time for my baby. But also because I tried to avoid my problems as usual instead of just dealing with them before hand.

For some weird reason, I thought about my life before I even I had any kind of feelings for anyone but my family. I was such a confused little chubby girl. With everything that happened in my life, I never really go back on it to see how much that I've progressed over the years.

Of course I have been suicidal since I was 10, 8 years later and I'm still here.

I had those thoughts that remind you of something you've done wrong....

I decided to turn around to go back home, realizing what time it was.

It wasn't a far walk back. As soon as I opened the door knob. I heard my phone ring.


"Roxy? Before I come over, would you like me to bring anything?"

Kendork is so sweet, that is why I love having friends that are so close to me the way we are.

"I want you to bring Left For Dead III and your special remote for my pretty magenta xbox!"

Of course, like I said a long time ago. I love Video games. Kendall was so surprised the first time I told him but now he just adores it.

"Ok, see you soon babe."

I laughed as I hung up and waited for him to come.

-Louis POV-

The guys and I after work decided that we should go to a club. I was up for the challenge.

Carter and I were sitting at a round table with two other people that I didn't even know.

"Louis, meet Roger Dianne and Macy Patterson."

My jaw dropped as I looked at this guy who looked very similar to Roxy. All accept for their hair and figures but other than that, I needed to ask him if he was a relative of hers.... Oh wait a second, I've met him before! He was that guy who was obsessed with video games. Wow, life has been good for him over the years. He has a super hot girlfriend and a nice fitted figure. He used to be skeleton skinny. But now he has a bit of muscle to him.

"I've met him before, Carter. He used to date my sister and broke her heart."

Carter turned her attention to me as her face was a mix full of rage, lust and jealousy.

"Your sister broke up with me!"

I protested, not really helping with my situation of my 'girlfriend' being right next to me.

"I knew you were no good for her. She obsessed over you for the past years and you apparently don't give a shit. Now that you've moved on, you're having the time of your life and she's probably moping at home thinking negatively about herself all over again. You wanna know why she thinks that way? Because she doesn't think she's good enough for you. She never did, and she never will. Excuse me."

Roger stood up from his seat and tugged at his shirt collar and headed off towards the bathroom.

Carter grabbed my arm as she forcefully pulled me up from my seat. She dragged me all of the way outside as we were in a dark alley. She pressed me against the wall and just looked at me with such fire in her eyes.

"I want people to get over you and Roxy. I'm your girlfriend now!"

She said as she forced her lips on mine and started tugging on my pants. I pulled away from her and looked her in the eyes. I've got to tell her the truth.

"I want Roxy. I don't even want to know you. I don't want you. Get it in your head."

Carter looked like a just shattered her world. A tear rolled down her face.

"Come with me now!"

She screamed as she yanked me in another direction.


-Roxy's POV-

"Yay! We beat our high score of killing zombies!"

Kendall and I cheered as we started to act like zombies. We walked around and around the room, barely moving our limbs as we pre-cautiously walked around each other. We went on to the couch as I took out some movies for us.

"Kendall, I need to ask you something.."

"I'm all ears."

He flashed me a smile as he run his ear.

"How did you get over your first girlfriend, Marta?"

Kendall's smile quickly faded away,

"I didn't at first, I held on to her so much that I just lost myself. I wasn't Kendall anymore. I was just another heartbroken guy waiting to completely fall apart. But something changed."

I looked at him weirdly,

"And what was that?"

He smiled to himself as he looked at me in the eyes, still holding that smile,

"You did. You changed my player ways."

He held my hand as a spark shot through me and I smiled,

"Thanks, Kendork."

He laughed a little bit as I gave him a huge hug.

As we let go, I looked into his eyes, they were so mesmerizing and green. I couldn't help myself but lean in closer to his lips. I felt such a warmth inside of me as he kissed me.

"Hey guys."

We let go to see Perrie, Sage, Zayn and James standing there.

"I told you they would get together!"

James squeeled as I got up and ran after him to attack him as I heard Kendall laughing his ass off with the rest of them. Perrie was the only one who didn't look to happy about what just happened between us, I don't know what's up with her.

I jumped on James as I cheered in victory.

"You stay there now, pretty boy."

- Louis POV-

Carter brought me to the front of the club where the paparazzi and all of the cameras were.

"It's over Louis Tomlinson!"

She said as she slapped me hard across my face. The pain weakened my knees as I crouched and held my face, trying to numb the pain.

The flashes started going like crazy towards me and Carter as she walked away like the innocent one she is. At least the world will know that we are over.

So, Carter and Louis broke up! Gasp! I had to do it, #sorry not sorry. And the Koxy moment... That will be explained more in the rest of the story. Stay strong lovelies xx

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now