Chapter 34 - Backstabber

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-Roxy's POV-

We were backstage at the 1D concert and I was excited. Despite the fact of everything that happened. I'm really proud of where Louis has ended up.

We saw the boys joking around on stage and singing their new single "Better Than Words."

Perrie and I started to dance sexy like as we saw the other girls laughing and copying our hip movements.

I looked at the corner to see Eleanor on her phone. She smiled as she closed her phone off. She looked up and was surprised when she saw me.

She approached me slowly unsure of how I would react.

"Hey Eleanor."

I said as I smiled and she smiled back,

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

She asked me with a hint of hurt in her voice. What, did she actually think Louis would invite me?

"The girls invited me on their tour for a while and we're having loads of fun."

I kept my smile on, not trying to give her the satisfaction of seeing my dark side right now.

"Oh, that sounds like fun."

She said all cheery,

"Congrats on dating Louis. I didn't know you wanted him all to yourself. I guess that's why you helped us not get back together."

I said defending myself, the bitch deserves to know who's in charge here.

"No, actually. I needed a job and Simon hired me to be his girlfriend-"

"Don't give me that shit. I know you all too well now. We are officially enemies from now on. See you in another life I guess."

The anger in my voice showed this time as I walked away and went back to the girls and they gave me questioning looks.

"Forget her. Let's enjoy tonight!"

I said as they all cheered!

-Michael's POV-

I was alone at home strumming on my guitar.

"I can see you watching even when you're nowhere to be seem. I can feel you touching even when your far away from me."

I sighed as I realized my throat is really feeling scratchy. I got up and made myself some tea as I saw Ashton sitting there with his drum sticks and his headphones on blast. He was drumming the table like crazy not even acknowledging that I was in the room. I nudged his shoulder as he put his sticks down and took off his earphones.

"Did you know that Roxy went to the hospital the other day?"

I asked him as he looked at me surprised,

"No actually? Why was she there?"

He asked me getting a bit fidgety.

"She told me that she is dealing with bad anxiety again. And that you know about it, she explained everything to me."

Ashton had a sigh of relief wash over him,

"Thank god she told you all about her cutting and everything-"

My eyes widened as Ashton stopped talking,

"Oh shit, she didn't tell you? Oh no. Michael you can't say anything. I promised her that I would keep it a secret and she would stop-"

"Did she stop?"

My voice raised as Ashton looke at the ground.

"So this is what she's been hiding from me! That why you guys were always together. It all makes sense now. When is she getting back home?"

"I have to pick her up from the airport tomorrow at 4pm."

I smiled,

"I'm going to go get her."

I stated as Ashton's eyes widened,

"Not a good idea. After she gets back we'll all see her and we have to bring her to roque records."

Ashton told me as I took out my phone,

To Roxy: hey, can't wait until you come back :)

I sent her as I decided to get on writing my song. I had tons of motivation now.

-Eleanor's POV-

I can't believe that she actually came on tour with us? Who does she think she is?

Okay yes I do love Roxy. But I see her as a threat right now. Louis and I are together and she better not get in the way of that.

I walked into hair and make-up as I saw Louis in the make-up chair while Lou was doing his hair.

"Hey El. Are you hungry?"

Hungry for revenge? Yes.

"No I'm good, thanks baby."

I went over to him and kissed his cheek as I looked to see Roxy standing at the door looking at us with a disgusted look.

"Why don't you guys hang out while Lou does my hair?"

Louis suggested as we both looked at eachother and I could feel the lazer shots flying everywhere.

"Uhm. I'm good. See ya."

Roxy said bluntly as she walked our of the room as fast as she could.

I quickly caught up to her as she was reaching for the stage. I pulled her back as I whispered in her ear.

"Back off of my man or you'll regret it."

I threatned as she rolled her eyes,

"Look Eleanor. Your a real backstabbing bitch. You don't realize that Louis wants me and not some tramp like you-"

She got interrupted as Zayn picked her up and threw her over his shoulder,

"No more drama ladies. I'm tired of everyone fighting over Louis."

He said fatigued as he walked off with Roxy still over his shoulder.

"Well, tomorrow she is going to wake up to a nice surprise."

I smirked deviously as I walked off to find my master of destruction.

Okay, don't hate me because I made Eleanor a bad girl again! So. It's my last week of summer vacation until I'm off to college and I'm trying to finish this series so that you all can read the ending of this book. Sorry if it's crappy vocabulary but it has to be done. Stay strong lovelies xx.

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