Part 48 - Thanks For The Memories

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-Perries POV –

I found it weird how Roxy stormed off yesterday when we said hi to her. It's not like her to not stop and talk to us.

Zayn and I got seated down when we saw Louis holding his face in his hands.

"Zaynie look." I pointed towards Louis as he saw him and smiled,

"I think he was with Roxy."

He nodded his head as we both decided to get up and sit with him.

"Hey Lou."

Zayn said as he sat with him,

"Oh great, another person to tell me that I am wrong and that I should have listened to her."

We looked at each other weirdly,

"Did you have a fight with Roxy?"

I asked him as I put my hand on his to comfort him as I felt butterflies in my stomach, no Perrie you can't feel this way about him. Maybe I'm pregnant and don't know it. Maybe that's why I'm feeling crazy.

"Yeah because she wanted to talk about the night we broke up but I don't think we have anything to talk about! What's done is done."

He said fed up,

"Is there anything else she wanted to talk about or just that?"

Zayn asked as Louis took a drink from his beer... He usually doesn't drink when Roxy is with him.

"She also wanted to talk about the night we hooked up at that bar. But there's nothing to talk about there either--"

I cut him off because I remember that she mentioned something to me about that night,

"You were pretty hammered that night; do you think you remember what you said to her?"

Louis looked into space for a minute,

"No I don't think so."

Before we could say anything, Zany's phone went off.

"One second babe, it's my mum."

He said as he got up and answered the phone, leaving me here alone with the upset Louis that I just can't resist. Look at what he's wearing I mean, I would love to help him unbutton that shirt—

"Did she say anything to you that you might remember?"

He asked me as I snapped back into reality, gosh his eyes are so dreamy. And his hair is swooped back, usually his hair stylist, Lou does it like that for him to go on stage. Wow, I just remembered him singing What A Feeling and I thought he was looking at me the whole time I was in the crowd –

"Earth to Pezza!" Louis waved his hand back and forth in front of my face,

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

I said oblivious to understanding where I was presently,

"I asked you if you remember what she said to you about that night and you just stared at me like I was the last piece of pizza."

He laughed as my cheeks flushed, he can't know that I have feelings for him. I need to get out of here.

"Oh well you look at the time. I have to go help Jade wash her dog--"

"Jade doesn't have a dog--"

"Yes she does, so bye."

I said as I got up and ran out of there as fast as I could. I know I shouldn't have done that but if I stayed there any longer... Zayn might of saw how I looked at Louis and would get jealous and I would have to lie about how I feel about him. I already thought I liked him once, I guess it's true. So I just walked away. I know I'm running away from my problems but I just can't risk my relationship with Zayn. I mean I do love him.... But I don't get the same feeling that I used to get whenever he would say my name or kiss me or... You know Maybe this engagement was a mistake.....

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now