Chapter 25 - These Four Walls

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-Roxy's POV-

It has been a few days since I've stayed home and ignored Simons calls to come back to work. I'm sure one of the girls told him what happened.

I heard my doorbell ring as I growled and went to open it. To my surprise. It was Perrie and Zayn.

"Hey guys, I'm not in the mood-"

Perrie and Zayn barged in as Perrie lead me upstairs.

"You have to come back to work today, let's get cleaned up because you smell terrible!"

Perrie said as she handed me my towel and looked in my closet for clothes. She picked out a black sweater and white skinny jeans.

"Go get ready now."

She closed the bathroom door as I sighed and hopped in the shower.

I did the usual wash your hair, rinse and repeat. Wash myself. I got out of the shower as I dried myself and got dressed.

"Are you done Rox?"

Zayn asked as I sighed again as I sprayed on some perfume and I applied a bit of mascara. I walked outside to see him standing there hovering over the door. He engulfed me in a big hug as I squeezed him back.

"I'm here for you. But you really need to get to Syco records because it is important."

I slightly smiled as he took my hand and lead me downstairs to his car.

"Where is Perrie?"

I asked him as we got in his car.

"She's gone to get ready for tour. The bus is coming to get them tonight."

My eyes widened,

"I totally forgot about that!"

I said alarmed,

"I have bad news... we are going on tour with Big Time Rush."

My eyes widened,

"When do you guys go?"

I asked,

"Tonight also..."

"So that means I have no one? Even Sage is going with the girls!"

Zayn slightly nodded as we made it to Syco records. These past few days I have felt so alone and all of the girls and guys tried to cheer me up. Now they are leaving and I don't know how I'm going to make it.

We walked in and heard a bunch of girls giggling. I saw them all with suitcases. They all stopped talking as they saw me. I walked into my office and was surprised to see that all of Louis stuff was gone. I sat down at my desk and examined how clean it looked. I heard a knock at the door as I saw Simon looking in.

"In my office. Now."

I nodded as I followed him to his office. I saw Louis sitting in one chair as I sat in the chair next to him. Simon sat infront of us as he looked at the two of us.

"I thought you two would overcome everything and this is what you do?"

Simon angrily threw a magazine on the desk as I picked it up and felt a tear slid from my eye as I saw the cover was that night.... With me and Louis at the bar.

"Now you guys have been fighting ever since and I have no choice but to fire you Roxy."

My eyes lit up,

"What do you mean fire me?"

I said as I started to get angry,

"I can't fire Louis because he's too much of a big deal. But you my friend are not just yet. You never will be."

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now