Chapter 2 - Really Don't Care

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-Roxy's POV-

I was shocked to see who entered the door,

"Niall Horan? What are you doing in here?"

He smiled as he sat next to me at my desk.

"I am the first member of 1D that is allowed to work with you for our new album."

I mentally face palmed myself. I thought Zayn said that he would come in with Niall and Louis?!?!

"Ok, so what are your thoughts for the song you want to write?"

I asked him trying to be as professional as I can be in this awkward situation,

"I want to write a song about not forgetting where you come from and how we got here."

His answer completely shocked me, I thought that he would want to be writing a song for his wife.

"I think that our fans deserve to know how we got here and why we're here."

I nodded my head,

"Ok, let's see what we can do."

-Sages POV-

I was waiting for Roxy to come for our lunch break in the cafeteria of the studio when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Being the secure person that I am, I almost nudged them off when I saw some familiar brown hair and was washed over with a musky scent.

"Hey Sagey."

James cooed as he squeezed me from behind,

"Hey babe. Sit down, I'm waiting for Rox."

"Is Kendall around?"

We both laughed as we saw Kendall and Roxy holding hands as they came over towards us.

"Hey Koxy. How is our lovely couple?"

Kendall laughed as Roxy hit his shoulder.

"We are not a couple, do I have to explain to you every single time that I see you that I am still wounded?"

Kendall squeezed her as James started making kissing noises. Roxy let go of Kendall to hit James chest as he started yelling at her and she yelled back at him.

Kendall and I laughed at how stupid James and Roxy were being. I mean, I can't believe that she's not going out with Kendall just because she's still heartbroken over Louis. It's been two years. She needs to move on.

"Hey Kendork, let's get out of here while they keep fighting over you."

Kendall laughed as we walked up the two flights of stairs to get to the lobby.

"What do you actually feel for Roxy? I really need to know."

I blurted out as Kendall took a step back at my forward question,

"Well, I can't tell you. You'll go back and tell her. After all, you guys are best friends."

I rolled my eyes as I hit his shoulder,

"We're besties also Kendork."

He smiled then winced in pain,

"Ok, I'll tell you. I really like her but she's so hung up on Louis that I just have to be there for her until she gets over him."

"So you're saying you would ask her out if she was ready or..?"

"Yeah, I would. Louis doesn't deserve any chance with her. He's just been breaking her heart for all of these years and he's always her main thought every time she wakes up and every time she goes to bed. He doesn't even know how much he has affected her. I wish I could kick his fucking ass, but she doesn't want me too and I respect her choices."

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