Chapter 31 - Forever And Always

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-Roxy's POV-

It has been about three days that I've last seen the boys. I wanted to but after the whole Ashton thing I kind of found it weird. I finally decided to go to the doctors and find out if my diagnosis came back.

I was sitting on the bed as I waited for the doctor to come and tells the news. I couldn't handle the stress as I bit my tongue trying my hardest not to let my emotions get the better of me.

I felt my phone buzz as I looked at it,

From Michael: Rox? Please talk to me. We didnt mean to ruin ur alone time with ash.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh,

To Michael: I don't know what "alone time" ur talking about Mikey. I just wanted to spend some time with Ash. There's nothing going on between us. Trust me.

I typed back hoping that we would just leave it at that. The buzz indicated that my wish did not come true.

From Michael: ok, I believe you. But why are you at the hospital?

My eyes widened as I got up and looked outside to see Michael pacing around furiously,

To Michael: come up to room 3A and I'll explain why I'm here.

I noticed him look up at all of the windows. He looked worried as I saw him approach the entrance of the building.

The doctor came in shocking me as I took my time to sit back down,

"Roxanne. I have some bad news to tell you."

I almost burst into tears as I saw the doctor look through some papers.

"Your anxiety has seemed to relapse."

The tears finally flowed freely as I wiped them away and asked some important questions,

"Am I going to have to go on pills again?"

I asked him as he put the clipboard down and sat next to me.

"You will need pills. But you seemed to have dealt with it fine throughout the years without it. What did you do exactly to calm yourself down and keep your mind off of things?"

He asked me as I tried to think about anything other than Louis. What have I done for myself that made me happy? How come I had to become like this again? I saw Michael standing at the door way as I just looked down and explain to the doctor,

"I worked out a lot to get in shape and feel better about myself. I also ate better and busied my mind with writing and fashion. And music of course."

The doctor got up and started to write some things. Michael looked at me worried as he stayed there. Not wanting to interrupt the doctor.

"So are you going to write the prescription and let me go?"

I asked him desperately wanting to leave,

"Honestly, no. I am writing you a note of suggestions."

He ripped out a paper and handed it to me,

"I suggest that you stay around anyone or anything that makes you feel safe and happy. I also suggest to keep eating and exercise daily. Take an hour or even ten minutes to do something you like. You need to have time for yourself."

The doctor smiled as he offered his hand for me to shake, I finally smiled as I shook it.

"Thanks doc."

I said as I got up.

"We will have a meeting soon."

He said as I grabbed my jacket and nodded my head,

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now