Part 47 - Night Changes

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-Roxy's POV-

I decided to go out to supper with Louis to talk to him and catch up on things that we haven't really gotten cleared up since we were together.

"Seat for two, please."

Louis said to the waiter as he sat us down at a booth.

"Here are your menus, I will bring you guys some water."

The waiter said as he went off somewhere, I examined Louis as I could see he was putting a little too much effort in to this. He was wearing a red long sleeved, button up shirt, black vans and black dress pants. His hair was swooshed to one side and put her gel in his hair.

"You really went all out tonight."

I said pointing towards his outfit; he smiled as I continued,

"You really didn't have to do all of this, you dressed up and took me out to a restaurant that looks expensive as f—"

I stopped when he placed his hand on mine,

"I wanted to. Hey it's not like I can't afford this restaurant. I wanted to get dressed up to show you that I can actually dress up and be classy."

That made my heart flutter, I am so happy that he put the effort in all of this. It proves that he cares.

"Well, I feel bad because I didn't dress up that much."

I said because I was wearing a long sleeved black laced dress that went down to my knees with magenta heels. I straightened my hair and tied it up in to a messy bun. I put on a line of liquid eye liner on the top lid of my eye and tons of mascara and magenta lipstick. But I didn't really go all out like he did.

"Yeah you did, you did your make up and that dress by the way, is just, beautiful."

I smiled as the waiter came back and placed a glass of water in front of the both of us.

"So, are you guys ready to order?"

He asked us as we both were too busy complimenting each others outfits to even open the menu.

"Uhm, can we have another minute?"

I said uneasily as he nodded and went off somewhere. We both looked at each other and laughed as we opened the menu. I looked at the prices of these meals and wow, they are expensive!

"Louis these are really expensive—"

He cut me off and said,

"Rox, order whatever you want. Stop looking at the prices."

I grinned as I put it down,

"I just, I feel bad. I don't want you paying for all of this –"

He leaned over the table and planted a kiss on my lips,

"Roxy, I love you so much but don't worry about that."

I opened the menu again as I grinned,

"What would you like to order?"

He asked me as I was examining just spaghetti and a caesar salad. I wasn't really in the beefsteak mood.

"I think I'm going to get spaghetti and a Caesar salad."

"And gingerale?"

I was surprised to know that he remembered my favorite drink.

"Yeah, with a bit of raspberry syrup in it."

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now