Chapter 52 - Stone Cold

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Chapter 52 - Stone Cold

-Perrie's POV-

We finally made it to the recording studio as we got off of the buses for our well deserved break! I missed home and I am so happy to be back!

The girls and I were going home together but we have too many suitcases. So Jade and I are going together since we used to live together.

I saw Niall drive up to us, I was hoping it would be just me and Jade since we just came back but I guess not. I saw Sage get in Roxy's car with James. We hardly ever saw Big Time Rush on our tour even though we were all doing it together.

I wanted to say hi to Roxy but I was mad at her for what happened with Zayn because I feel like she played a big factor in breaking us up. I was about to get in the car when I saw Louis grab my hand.

"Hey Perrie, do you want me to bring you home?"

He asked me as I took a deep breath,

"I don't know Louis-"

He cut me off as he took my bags and put them in his car,

"When did you get your car?"

I asked him,

"I left it here since we left for the tour, I'm lucky I didn't get a ticket."

I smiled at him knowing he was trying to make me smile,

"Hey you're not coming with us?"

Jade asked as I waved to her, she turned around understanding my queue.

I went to sit in the passenger seat,

"Okay so why didn't Roxy take you home?"

I asked with a little bit of jealousy.

"Because she wanted to spend some time with Sage so I will probably see her tomorrow."

He said surprising me, usually he wants to spend all of his time with Roxy when they are together....

I nodded my head as Louis started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

-Louis POV-

I drove into Perrie's driveway as I stopped the car and got out. I got out her suit cases and followed her as she unlocked the door.

I placed her suit cases next to her couch as the both of us sat down. She was really quite which doesn't make sense, usually she loves to talk to me about everything and anything. I can never get her to stop talking.

"Perrie we need to talk."

I said as she looked at me shocked,


She asked me,

"Because we need to discuss what is going on with you--"

"Louis I'm fine!"

She said as she got up and I gently pulled her back down,

"Just hear me out okay?"

She nodded as I looked into her beautiful blue eyes, she looked frightened. Like if she was about to lose something..

"Perrie, I know you have feelings for me-"

She got up and started walk back and forth,

"No I don't have feelings for you."

She denied it because I'm sure she didn't want to lose our friendship, she probably knows I wouldn't break up with Roxy.

"Well that's a bummer because I have feelings for you."

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