Chapter 44 - Jealous

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-Roxy's POV-

I woke up with arms around me and smiled, I looked to see Mikey but was surprised when I saw Louis... Oh my god Rox, you guys just got back together! Why are you thinking of Michael?

I observed Louis' chest go up and down synchronized to his breathing. I ran my hand up and down his face and stopped as I saw his lips curve into that famous Louis Tomlinson smile.

I couldn't help but grin as he opened his eyes, but to my surprise he stuck his tongue out as I let out a laugh.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to me and planted my lips on his. This felt so wrong but so right... Uhm.. Why would it feel wrong Rox? I asked myself.

He let go as he smiled at me and was one inch away from my lips and stared into my eyes,

"Gosh I missed you."

I smiled again as I wrapped my arms around him and cuddled in to his chest.

"I missed cuddling you."

I had such a bad burning and guilty feeling in my stomach. I really need to figure out what's going on,

We saw the curtain of his bunk open, it was Zayn and he looked shocked as hell.

"Roxanne what are you doing here?"

He asked like a concerned father,

"It's nice to see you too Zayn."

I smiled and got up from Louis, I was wearing his baggy black shirt and sweats.

"So either you guys are back together... Or your just hooking up."

Zayn said as he couldn't even look at me.

"Zayn, it's-"

We heard a gasp,

"Oh my god Roxy what are you doing here-"

Eleanor said as she stopped and observed what I was wearing and looked at Louis,

"Louis... What's going on?"

She asked as her voice cracked,

"El let's go talk."

Louis said as he got up and she put a hand up to stop him,

"You hooked up with her? When you and I are together?"

She said shocked,

"El we need to talk alone-"

I cut him off,

"Whatever you have to say to her, you can say it in front of me."

I said as Louis widened his eyes,


Eleanor said loudly,

"Well, Roxy and I are back together."

Louis said to her,

"And I don't trust you, you hacked into my twitbook and twitted about our pregnant rumors. So if this isn't clear enough, it's over Eleanor. So gather your things and get the fuck out."

She looked as if she was going to cry, I was surprised of how hard Louis was being on her though. I know she's a bitch and all but he does not have to do this because he is still dating her and me at the same time right now.. Well now he broke up with her...

"Come on Louis you don't have to be so hard on her!"

I stood up for her and Eleanor looked flabbergasted, I walked pass them and went outside with Zayn.

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now