Chapter 8 - Kiss The Girl

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- Perrie's POV -

I decided to ask the girls if we could make a party for Roxy on the weekend, congratulating her on getting her songwriting job.

We were at the mall getting a bunch of snacks for the party just to make sure that we're ready.

"Jade, should we get purple and pink balloons or baby pink and magenta balloons?"

I held them out for her to see,

"Baby pink and magenta. Roxy loves her pink."

I nodded as we picked up magenta glitter.

"Seriously, I feel so bad for Rox. She is always hiding in her office ever since she got here. I tried to show her around but she refused... Do you think it's because of Louis?"

I sighed,

"Yeah, she's trying to get over him but all she does is keep herself guarded around Kendall all day. It's really getting annoying."

"Kendall is a good person, but I don't think he's really Roxy's type. I would say Ryan Gosling is her type."

We both giggled as I heard my phone ringing, it was Sage.

"Hey Sagey, are you Jesy and Leigh-Anne done finding presents?"

"Yeah we are, we all have to meet at the park later on to talk about the details of when it is."

"Ok, see you then. Bye."

I hung up as Jade and I grabbed some more candy and was on our way to work.

-Sages POV-

I was in my office waiting for Louis to come in. I had to interview him today. Fuck. My. Life.

I heard the door click open as I watched a ruffled up, punk Louis come in.

"So, Louis. You know that are pact the other day for Roxy did not make me hate you any less."

He rolled his eyes as if he gave me a sarcastic 'yeah right' look,

"Whatever you know that you love me."

I slapped my forehead with my head, the dumbass actually thinks me, SAGE CONRAD WOULD FALL FOR AN IDIOT LIKE THAT? Sorry if I'm screaming, he's just... How do I say this in a good way..... Really retarded!

"If I loved you. Why would I be helping you get back together with my best friend?"

He sighed and nodded, letting me claim the victory!

"Yeah! Dumbass!!!"

I screamed at him as I started happy dancing. I smoothed my clothes and sat back down,

"Wow, you are some piece of work."

"Oh shut up already. Let's get to work."

I looked through my papers trying to ignore the fuckface by actually working for once and asking him questions. Gosh, I hate working with people like this! (Yes I did say that in a bitch tone. Don't. Judge. Me.

"So Louis, what would you say-"

"You're her best friend. You would know everything that happened that night and why she was feeling that way and broke up with me?"

He rudely cut me off,

"Yes, she did tell me."

I answered him correctly,


He said as I could see he was mentally tugging at my shirt and shaking me like a mad man,

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now