Chapter 53 - Be The One

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-Michael's POV-

I waited to see Roxy's reaction. I explained everything to her. How I fell in love with her and how I am mad that she is back together with Louis because he could hurt her again. I really want her to be happy but I really want to be with her. I want to be the one that treats her right!

She surprised me as she engulfed me in a hug.

"Look, I really love you to Mikey but I am trying to make things work with Louis."

I was disappointed as I let her go,

"I know you are but what if he does it again? You shouldn't have to try so hard to make it work!"

She looked down as I pulled her closer to me,

"Please just think about this, okay?"

I asked her as she nodded,

I know I shouldn't have done it but I went in for a kiss. She kissed me back as I slowly melted every second that her lips were on mine.

She smiled when she let go, but that smile quickly faded away when she saw Louis.


He looked at the both of us and started to walk away,

"I'll see you later."

She said to me as she went to run after him.

-Sages POV-

I knocked on Perrie's door and waited a few minutes before she opened it.

"Hey Sage, what are you doing here?"

She asked me as she whipped her eyes with a Kleenex as I examined that she was wearing a robe, and her hair was tied back.

"I really needed some girl time so I was wondering if we could watch movies and stuff our faces in chocolate and pop corn?"

I asked her as a slight smile appeared on her face,

"I-i don't know, it sounds like fun but I don't think I'm in the mood."

She said still holding on to the door,

"Come on Pez, I know things are hard but you can talk to me about it. We are friends after all! You've always been there for me when I was down, now it's my turn!"

I said as I went inside and saw that the house was full of clothes everywhere and dishes were piled everywhere.

"First of all; we are going to clean up this place!"

I said as I started to throw the clothes into a hamper that I saw.

"Okay Sage you don't have to do this-"

"No-no, we are doing this!"

I said as we put everything away, she sighed but started to help me clean up.

-Roxy's POV-

I can't believe that I kissed Mikey, but even worse. Louis caught me.

I finally caught him going into his car as I hoped in the passenger side.

"Roxy please-"

"Louis, can you hear me out?"

I asked as he took his hands off of the wheel.

"Okay, go ahead."

He said as I took a deep breath,

"Look that kiss didn't mean anything-"

"Yeah right. You were smiling after you guys let go."

He shot me down making me feel uncomfortable, I really fucked up this time...

I stayed quiet as he started the car.

"Let's go for a ride."

He said as I nodded, I walked to the park anyways so it's okay.

-Perrie's POV-

I was really happy that Sage came over. She got my mind off of things for a while. We finished watching mean girls as we put our dishes in the washer.

"So Pezza, Louis told me about what happened."

She said as I rinsed off my dishes, shit! He's not supposed to tell anyone!

"What did he say exactly?"

I asked her hoping he didn't say everything,

"Well he told me that you broke up with Zayn because you have feelings for him."

I rolled my eyes, typical Louis to tell people my business.

"Of course I still have feelings for Zayn."

I said trying to mix up her statement,

"I meant for Louis."

Sage said as I opened a bottle of champagne.

"Of course I have feelings for him, but I can't be with him."

I poured the champagne in two wine glasses.

"I know but you never know what may happen-"

Sage stopped as she looked at her phone, her eyes widened.


I asked gesturing towards her phone.

"Roxy kissed Michael... And Louis found them."

She said as my jaw opened. I mean, does she always kiss guys when she already has a boyfriend?

"I don't understand?"

I said looking at her text, it was Louis who told her.

"I guess a window opened for you."

Sage said as I nodded my head.

I really can't believe this happened.

Who saw the Moxy kiss happening? Obviously I did XD anyways this is almost over guys! I love you all! Keep reading and recommend this story if you are enjoying it. Stay strong lovelies xx

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now