Chapter 49 - The Way I Loved You

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-Ashton's POV-

The plane was landed and it was time for us to get off of the plane,

"Wake up."

I said as I nudged Roxy, she wouldn't get up so I gently placed my finger near her armpit as her eyes widened and she jolted upwards.

"Okay well that's done. Lets go beautiful."

I said as Roxy sighed and took her suitcase out,

We walked outside as I called Luke but he didn't answer me, I was surprised to see that flaming red hair walk closer to us.

"What happened to getting our own ride?"

I asked him as he had his huge black shades on,

"Well I changed my mind so, come on. I will walk you guys to the car."

I looked at my found and Luke texted me,

From Luke: Mikey convinced me to stay here because he was going to get you, but I still love you xx

I laughed as I sent him a heart,

Michael was not looking at Roxy at all, but she didn't seem to care. I held her hand as we placed out suit cases into the trunk of his car.

"Let's sit in the back, okay?"

She nodded with her sleepy eyes as we went to the back of the car and she layed her head right on my shoulder. Mikey took a quick glance at us through the rear view mirror but then he closed the door and started the car. Thank god Roxy is too tired to notice how he is acting towards her.

We all remained quiet as Mikey started playing All Time Low on his stereo

We finally made it to Roxy's as Mikey stopped the car. And I unbuckled her seat belt but she was out like a light.

"Okay Mike she is fast asleep so I am going to carry her in—"

I was surprised to hear his answer,

"I will do it."

I looked at him weirdly as I decided to let him do it.

He came to her side and carried her bridal style into the house, I decided to sit in the front as he brought her stuff in with her.

-Michael's POV-

I have to admit, I know I am being tough about Roxy getting back together with Louis. It's just that I was really convinced that she could have had something for me. I guess im going to have to accept that she is with Louis and there is nothing I can do about it.

I went up the stairs and placed her bag in front of her bed. I opened the covers and put her on the bed.

"Haha, stop touching me like that."

Roxy giggled as she looked at me really weirdly,

"Rox did you take any medication to help you sleep?"

She grinned at me,

'What do you think?"

I went to her bathroom to give her a bottle of water (she has a million of them under the sink) as I gave it to her and tucked her in,

"Wait Mikey."

I turned around to look at her,

"Please don't be mad at me."

She said as I she caught me off guard,

"Ashton told you—"

"No, its just the way you are acting towards me. I really don't want this to ruin our friendship. I want you in my life for a long time Mikey. I really do. I love you –"

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