Chapter 6 - Half a Heart

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-Perrie's POV-

Sage and I decided to go to Starbucks for lunch, Roxy was busy with work, as usual.

"I need to ask you something Sage. Are you team Loxy or Koxy?"

Sage sipped on her cappuccino as she took a deep breath and thought about it as she crinkled her nose,

"I have to say that I don't really know anymore. Between you and I, we know that whatever Roxy does, she will always be in love with -"

She stopped as she was staring at something behind me, I turned around to see what she was so caught off guard by. Louis.

"Here is our chance. We can talk to him about this.."

We both counted to three,

"1....2...3 GO!"

We both ran towards him, he noticed as he ran out of the shop and to his car. We slammed him down on the grass as we all rolled.

"Stop running, we want to talk to you."

He looked at me confused,

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

He said as he got up and helped the both of us up.

"I do. Now come on Louis, you and I have been best friends since forever. Don't make me revoke that from you."

He sighed as he let us take him back in with us.

-Roxy's POV-

I was in my office as I was writing some new material. Simon walked in with that big, creepy smile that he was always had when he saw me.

"Roxanne, I need to speak with you for a moment."

I nodded as he closed the door and sat in front of me.

"Your recordings were good. I need you to write a duet for a couple that I have."

"Yeah sure, sounds like fun."

I said trying to sound enthusiastic,

"We need it to be mainly a piano kind of song. Do you know how to play the piano?"

My eyes widened,

"No, I don't know how to play any instrument in here. All except for the drums."

Simon sighed as he got up,

"Anyways, start working on that and I will get you a piano man!"

He said excitedly,

"A piano man?"

I said confused,

"I'm going to hire someone to be your piano man. So you'll have a team of people who can play your instruments."

I nodded as I waved him off,

"Have a good day Roxanne."

He smiled as he turned the door handle open,

"You too Simon."

I saw him leave as I went into the recording booth, there was another song sheet. The same one as the 'Diana' song. I read the lyrics as I looked it up on the computer again.

I listened to the sweet sound of guitars playing and a beautiful voice singing.

I read the bottom of the lyric paper, it says

'Ever since that night, I'm half a heart without you. Half of me is missing. I really wish we could at least be friends again. Talk out the things that happened that night. I miss you so much Roxy. - you know who <3'

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now