Chapter 21 - I Knew You Were Trouble

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-Roxy's POV-

I reached Liam's party as I heard the music banging loud and I saw the lights flashing from the house.

I ran inside seeing a bunch of random people dancing and drinking from red plastic cups. I saw Harry and Liam as I approached them.

"Hey, Harry, Liam-"

"Are you okay?"

Liam asked me as I looked at him confused,


I asked him as he brought me to a mirror. My make-up ran down my face in a straight line showing that I cried.

"Listen, I don't have time to explain, tell me where Kendall is!"

I demanded as Liam brought me to the bathroom and cleaned me up,

"No matter what happened or what will happen. Just remember that you can come straight to me and I will be there for you. Alright?"

I nodded as he finished up and brought me to another room. I was looking at a door. Liam gave me a hug as I opened the door to see Kendall making out with some random girl.


I shouted as he looked up at me,

"Roxy, we need to talk."

He said standing up,

"Yeah we sure do."

I was surprised as my confidence built up and Kendall looked a little shocked as we went to the balcony outside as I sat outside next to him.

"Kendall. I know what just happened with you and Louis and I want you to know that I am really disappointed. I thought you were different than that but I guess I thought wrong, right?"

I asked him as I looked to see his eyes were blood shot, looks like he was smoking something before I got here. He does smell like heavy marijuana but anyways.

"Listen. I know what you said and you are wrong. I did like you a lot. And I do not love Louis anymore."

For once I could say that I was over Louis and actually meant it. I felt powerful. It's a feeling I never felt before!

"Are you sure?"

I nodded my head,

"Listen Roxy. I am really confused about everything and I wanted to ask if we could have a break until I'm fine again."

I raised my eyebrow at him,

"I'm sorry Kendall. You showed your true colours and I don't want anything to do with you anymore."

I said as I got up and patted down the dirt off of my dress from running.

"What do you mean? Can't we at least be friends?"

I shook my head,

"Never again. Have a great life Kendall. I hope you figure out who you really are."

I walked in the room as I saw the girl still sitting on the bed,

"Have fun, he's all yours."

I said as a few tears ran down my face as I walked out, I actually dont mind that we broke up. It's just the fact that he never really was a true friend or boyfriend. He was just using me all of this time just to win something against Louis. It's just sick. I walked down stairs to see all of the boys in the group with little mix. I saw Sage and Louis run in. I went to walk back upstairs but someone tugged at my arm as I saw Louis as I turned around.

Maybe We'll Make It After All {Sequel to What If? ~ Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic}Where stories live. Discover now