Chapter 6

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"What am I going to do Alison?" Jennie asked her assistant as she explained the situation while eating lunch in her dance studio Monday morning. "I mean I never thought about it before."

Alison looked at her incredulously.

"Okay maybe I have thought about it before for like a minute." That earned her another raised eyebrow from Alison. "Ok. Ok. A lot!" She huffed. "I mean I never thought that Lisa would be into me though. But as soon as that lady said that, everything hit me like a train. I mean all these feelings that I buried years ago just came rushing back. And I've never told anyone about my feelings for her. Not even Jisoo."

"So what do you want to do?" Alison asked, Jennie looked up at her and bit her lip. But before she could answer there was a knock at the door and someone stuck their head in.

"Lisa!" Jennie stood up and motioned for her to come in. "What are you doing here?" She asked trying to hide her blush that formed from almost being caught. Lisa saw that she had company.

"I didn't mean to interrupt." Jennie waved her off.

"Lisa this is Alison, she helps me manage my schedules and sometimes teach the younger kids, Alison this is Lisa." She introduced them. They smiled and exchanged pleasantries.

"I just wanred to drop these off for you and Eun-woo." She handed her a paper bag. Jennie was smiling widely as she took them and saw that it contains a stuffed lion and a stuffed monkey. Alison was watching the interaction between the two women.

"Lisayaah. Thank you. You didn't have to"

"I just wanted to say thank you for letting me meet him." Lisa said rubbing her palms on her jeans nervously. "And you said that monkeys were your favorite so I wanted you to have something as well. It's kind of lame  now that - "

"It's not lame, it's sweet. Thank you." Without thinking Jennie leaned in and kissed her cheek and both girls immediately blushed. Lisa took a step back and cleared her throat.

"You're welcome." She pulled out a pack of chocolates from her pockets and handed it to Jennie again. "Uh these are also for you. I don't know if you still eat chocolates but I remember you always had to have one every Monday to make sure your start off right."

Jennie looked at the chocolates. After all these years, Lisa remembered her strange quirk she developed when she was still a little kid. "I can't believe you remembered. You're so awesome." She hugged and kissed Lisa's cheek again.

"Well I better go. I just wanted to drop those by." Lisa smiled and turned to leave.

"Lis wait a sec." Jennie called before she got to the door. "Do you want to come over for dinner this Friday? Hang out with me and Eun-woo?"

"Sure, I'd love to." Lisa smiled, as did Jennie. "Text me later." She said then left. Jennie smiled and watched until she got to her car and was out of sight then went back to siy sit Alison. The other woman was watching the interaction between the two and now understood what the lady at the zoo meant.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Jennie asked as she was opening the pack of chocolate.

"Nothing. She seems sweet."

"She is." Jennie answered with a smile. She noticed Alison was still staring at her. "What?"



Alison huffed. "It's just, I kind of know what that lady was talking about."


"Just...the way you look at each other. I thought you were going to go at it at your desk." She said causing to Jennie to choke on her chocolate.

"What? We did not -"

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