Chapter 34

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YG was hardly recognizable as people arrived into the main lobby. It looked as if it had been hosed down and frozen with all of the ice sculptures, snowflakes were falling from the snow machine attached to the ceiling, complete with accent of ice blue, silver , gray and navy. A coordinator in a maitre'd uniform escorted the three of them to their table, where they found Jisoo and Rosé sitting with Jisoo's parents. Hugs and holiday wishes were exchanged.

"Wifey you look amazing." Rosé gushed.

"Are you kidding me? YOU look amazing." Jennie gushed right back. Rosé stood in a navy gown that accentuated every asset she had, and she looked drop dead gorgeous.

Lisa stepped in and kissed Rosé's cheek. "If Jisoo knows what's good for her, she'd do best to not let you of her sight for fear of someone stealing you away. You look beautiful."

Rosé blushed while Jisoo rolled her eyes at her comment,

Jennie and Lisa exchanged pleasantries with Jisoo's parents, as did Rosé and Jisoo with Jennie's mom before they all sat down for dinner. Salads were served to all the tables in the room, and after a handful of welcoming remarks from Hyun-suk, everyone began to eat. The vibe in the air was friendly and wonderful.

As the main course arrived, Jennie was sipping her wine when she saw Kai walk in with Krystal Jung. She began to choke, though managed to clear her throat quickly as Lisa patted her back. Rosé looked in the direction Jennie was glaring. "What the fuck?"

"Roseanne Park!" Jisoo's mom admonished.

"What the fuck?" Jisoo repeated, turning her head to see what caught her fiancé off guard.

"Blame her," Rosé told her future mother in law. "When did that happen?"

Jennie's mom shrugged her shoulders. "A month or so ago...I guess. Krystal just returned from Australia...and one day she just showed up with him during a business meeting."

Jennie downed the rest of her drink. "Yes, well, he's a grown adult. If he's choosing to finally settle down, we shouldn't deter progress."

Lisa reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. Jennie returned the sentiment before leaning in for a kiss. Neither of them noticed the flash of several cameras in their direction. Kai and Krystal were sitting at an adjacent table, Kai staring every so often. Though Jennie could feel his stares, she wasn't going to acknowledge his behavior. Their table went on to enjoy dinner and dessert, chatting about anything and everything. Jisoo and Lisa were taking a bet on seeing who was actually babysitting who - Eun-woo or Sabrina.

Once dinner was over, Jennie and Jisoo's parents visited with the other tables. Jisoo escorted Rosé out to the dance floor, as did Lisa with Jennie, joining the others already enjoying the party.

Lisa spun Jennie around, grinning as Jennie threw her head back and laughed. She could never get over how beautiful she was. A slower song came over the orchestra, and Lisa pulled Jennie close, wrapping an arm around her waist as she held her close to her chest. They swayed back and forth - Jennie's head tucked under Lisa's chin -  to the music for several minutes before Lisa felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned and saw Taeyang with a grin.

"Lisa, buddy, may I cut in and dance with this beautiful lady?" He teased, offering his hand to Jennie.

Jennie laughed as Lisa reluctantly let go of Jennie, handing her off to Taeyang. Jennie stole a kiss from her before taking Taeyang's hand, and Lisa gave her a smile before punching Taeyang playfully on his shoulder and retreated back to their table. She spotted Jennie's mom near the dessert table.

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