Special Chapter III

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Lisa was at her office working on some final lyrics to a song when she heard the door open. She turned her head and smiled as she saw her wife enter. Jennie smiled widely at Lisa and made her way over to her, sitting sideways on her lap.

"Hi babe." Lisa said to her wife and then rubbed the barely noticeable bump on Jennie's belly. "And baby."

Jennie smiled, she loved how adorable her wife could be. She wrapped her arms around Lisa's shoulders and leaned forward, kissing her. "Hi." She whispered softly against her lips before pulling away.

"Where's our little boy?"

"He's outside with Riley." He was Lisa's new assistant, she hired him after they found out Jennie was pregnant. Alice suggested that they hire a new assistant early so that they can start training him on taking some of Lisa's responsibilites so she could be at home more.

"I think we should tell him tonight." Jennie said.

"Really? You don't think it's too early?"

"We're about to go to our next OB GYN appointment, and I want him to come with us."

Lisa kissed her neck. "Okay babe. If that's what you want. We'll do it tonight."

Jennie grinned and kissed her softly on the lips. She ran her fingers through Lisa's hair, resting her hand on the back of her neck. "I love you," she said, slowly leaning closer whispering into her ear. "In fact, may e after we put our son to bed I'll remind you just how much I love you." She finished with a kiss on Lisa's neck.

Lisa let out a small moan. "God these pregnancy hormones are going to kill me." Jennie had always had a very sexual appetite but the pregnancy hormones had kicked it into overdrive as of late.

"You love it." Jennie replied, moving from Lisa's neck to her lips.

"I do." Lisa leaned back, giving her wife more room to work. Just as they got lost in the moment the door opened and Rosé and Eun-woo came running in.

"Mama!" Jennie picked him up, adding to the weight that is Lisa's lap.

"Hey buddy!" He reached around Jennie to hug Lisa before Jennie sat him back on the ground and standing up herself to give Lisa's lap a releif and gave Rosé a hug.

"I'm heading out guys. I'll see you all tomorrow yeah?"

Lisa and Jennie nodded and waved goodbye to the blonde.

"Babe, can we get some taco's on the way home?" Jennie asked with a pout and of course Lisa couldn't resist.

"Absolutely babe."

"I want Mcdonalds Mama."

"Okay, we'll stop by McDonalds as well buddy."



"Hey buddy? Can you come here in the living room for a bit?"

"Okay mommy!" Eun-woo said, coming out of his playroom with his stuffed lion.

Jennie grabbed him and perched him on her lap. "Okay, so have something to tell you and I really thing you're going to be super happy about it." She began as Lisa passed over one of their most recent ultrasound photos to Eun-woo. "Do you know what this is?" She asked, pointing to the little black bean in the center of the photo as Eun-woo shook his head. "It's a baby." She told him with a smile.

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