"Mewwy Chwismas!" Eun-woo screeched as he walked through the door with Jisoo and Rosé following him. He saw Jennie and Lisa sitting on the couch, Jennie's legs in Lisa's lap. She was rubbing Jennie's feet as she read through A Christmas Carol.
Lisa closed her book and set it on the end table as Eun-woo reached them. "Merry Christmas buddy!" She placed him on her lap and helped him take off his coat and hat. Eun-wo crawled towards his mom, snuggling against her.
"Merry Christmas sweetheart." Jennie said hugging him tight and kissing his cheeks. "Did Santa already bring you anything?" She asked grinning at Rosé and Jisoo.
"Santa bwought so many books about dwagons!" He exclaimed. "And I gots thwee chocolate baws, and you want to know the best pwesent that I gots?"
Jennie nodded, her face matching his enthusiasm.
"Auntie Jisoo and Auntie Wosie says we will go the zoo and see all the animals!" He exclaimed. "Mommy, I gets to see weal lions."
She laughed as she snuggled into her. She looked over to Lisa, who didn't look wild about the lions, but she could also see that Eun-woo was so excited that she couldn't bear to ruin it.
Lisa took the boxes that Jisoo was carrying so she could shed her coat. "If he even comes back with a scratch." She warned.
"He won't." Jisoo said reassuring her friend as she came back into the room. "It's not like we're sending him alone. I'll be there."
"It was a warning for you guys too," Lisa said, playfully nudging Rosé with an elbow as she on her other side on the couch.
"Have you exhanged gifts yet?" Rosé asked them.
Jennie shook her head no as she continued snuggling with Eun-woo. "We will later tonight."
"That's what we do right?" Lisa said. "A far cry from the days of racing down our dorm at six in the morning."
They all laughed.
"I don't even know what we were thinking." Jisoo said.
"I do," Rosé replied. "Presents."
The four adults laughed once again and Eun-woo did too, if only to do what everyone else was doing. There was knock on the door and in walked Alice and Alison, both carrying a stack of gifts ornately wrapped. "Sorry we're late." Alison said breathlessly as she placed the gifts next to the others Lisa and Jennie left out for them, while Alice hung their coats and scarf over the back of the oversized leather chair and sat down, lookig at Lisa. "So, I'm assuming you guys had a pleasant Christmas morning?"
"Oh yes." Lisa smirked while Jennie blushed. Lisa's phone suddenly chimed. "Hailee and Sabrina can't make it. Hailee's mom is in town."
"Are you ready to open some more presents?" She asked Eun-woo, squeezing him tight.
"Yes!" Eun-woo exclaimed.
Jennie had Eun-woo show off his newly discovered reading skills, which were merely word recognition skills as he passed out the presents under the tree. He gave Jennie the presents that were meant for him, making a stack for himself. He gave a present to each of the adults from Jisoo and Rosé, a couple of gifts from Lisa and Jennie and some more from Alison and ended with gifts from Alice before sitting back down in front of his pile. With a nod from Lisa, he began to tear into his presents, shredding the wrapping paper away from the gifts like a pro. Jumping excitedly as he opened Alice's gift, new color set and dragon coloring books. Three toy boats from Alison, justifying the need by saying that Lisa and Jennie could then race boats with Eun-woo at the pond in the park - which the little boy would certainly enjoy. He exclaimed in awe as he unwrapped a race track with cars and an upside down loop from Jisoo and Rosé. When he opened his parent's gift, his mouth dropped open in shock. It was the toy car that he wanted when he and Lisa went around the toy store.

Stupid Choices and Second Chances
Roman d'amourLisa had been helplessly in love with Jennie forever but never had the guts to tell her. After Jennie gets married Lisa can't seem to bear it and cuts all ties with the love of her life. What happens 5 years later when they meet up again. Will Lisa...