Lisa sat in the studio working on a track when Rosé walked in with a big smile on her face. "Hey you." She greeted with a smile, she hadn't seen her since last week. "How was Chu's birthday?"
Rosé hugged her then took the other chair. "It was amazing Lis, thank you so much for the villa. It was really relaxing."
"All I did is make a call, you really need to be thanking Mama Kim and Jennie. It was their house."
"I'll send Mama Kim a gift basket." Rosé replied. Mama Kim was on a business trip and had told Jennie about the vacation house she just bought in Barbados and Jennie had asked her if she could rent it for a couple of days for Jisoo and Rosé. Her mom waved her off and told her they cluld have it as long as they needed.
"I'm glad you guys like it." Lisa said. Rosé was about to speak again when Lisa's phone rang. She smiled as she saw who the caller is. "Hey babe."
"Lis? Eun-woo's day care just called. He fell from a slide or something." Jennie stated frantically and Lisa started picking up her things. Rosé furrowed her brow, knowing something was wrong.
"Is he okay?"
"They're taking him to the ER, they think he may have broken his arm. Can you meet them there? I'm leaving now but traffic is horrible, it's going to take me an hour to get there."
"I'm on my way." Lisa disconnected and grabbed her car keys. "Come on."
"What's going on?" Rosé asked concerned, following Lisa out.
"Eun-woo fell, maybe broke his arm." They picked up speed and jogged to the car. Lisa was in near panic mode. She didn't know what to do but she knew she needed to be there for her son. He would be scared and Jennie couldn't be there when he arrived. She was just ten minutes from the hospital.
"Let me drive Lis." Rosé took the keys from her since she saw Lisa's hands trembling.
They arrived in record time and rushed to the counter. Before Lisa even had a chance to ask the front desk one of Eun-woo's teachers approached her. "Miss Manobal." Lisa turned, recognizing the middle aged woman.
"Mrs. Rodriguez. How is he?" She asked.
"They have him in an exam room now, he's with the nurse, Miss Doris." The woman explained as they started walking towards the exam room. "He fell off the monkey bars and landed weird. I think they were waiting for you before taking him to x-ray. He was insisting one of you goes with him." They stopped outside the curtain where Lisa assumed Eun-woo was. She nodded her thanks before going in.
"Mama." Eun-woo cried and Lisa rushed to his side, taking a seat on the bed with him, smiling as he snuggled into her. Rosé was speaking with Miss Doris by the door.
"How you doin' buddy?" Lisa asked, for now they had his arm in a sling to keep him from moving to avoid injuring it any further.
"I fell off the monkey baws." He said. For now the tears had subsided but Lisa could still feel him sniffing.
"Does your arm still hurt?"
"A little bit."
"The teacher said they gave him some pain medication." Rosé cut in and went to the other side of the bed. "Heh tough guy."
"Hi Auntie Wosi." Eun-woo answered softly. Both women could tell that the pain medication they gave him was making him sleepy. About that time someone opened the curtain and the doctor paused for a second, and then met Lisa with narrow eyes.

Stupid Choices and Second Chances
RomanceLisa had been helplessly in love with Jennie forever but never had the guts to tell her. After Jennie gets married Lisa can't seem to bear it and cuts all ties with the love of her life. What happens 5 years later when they meet up again. Will Lisa...