Chapter 38

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Lisa, Jennie and Eun-woo were out for lunch with Rosé and Jisoo as they celebrate Jennie's birthday. As they were walking around the park, Lisa leaned towards Jennie.

"Jis and Rosé offered to keep him overnight." Lisa whispered in her ear. "So we can properly celebrate your birthday."

"Did they now?" Jennie replied with a smirk. "Well, turning them down would most certainly be rude wouldn't it?"

"Most certainly." Lisa replied, pressing a kiss to her temple as they watched Eun-woo and Jisoo chase each other.

"Is it okay if we took a nap with him first? So he'd be in a good mood and not cause trouble for Jisoo and Rosé later."

"Sure thing babe."


Jennie woke up around three that afternoon. An arm stretched outward, searching for Lisa and Eun-woo. Cracking an eye open she realized she was in bed alone. A note was resting on the pillow next to her.

Off to find the perfect for my perfect girl. See you later. I love you.

P.S. Took Eun-woo with me, gonna drop him off at Jisoo's.

Prying herself out of bed, she stretched her arms as she walked to the bathroom. She shed her clothing as she made her way to the tub, turning the faucets on. Just for good measure she added an extra cup full of bubbles to the water. Yawning, she stretched her neck, rolling her head leisurely from one side to tomhe other as she rolled her shoulders back a few times. Stripping her panties and bra, she climbed in the tub, she felt her body relax as she leaned her back against the porcelain tub, surrounded by jasmine scented bubbles. Closing her eyes, she took a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet, submerging herself a bit more so that she was soaking an the water from the neck down.


Lisa opened their bedroom door and saw Jennie soaking in the tub, her eyes closed and her face relaxed. Quietly, she walked in and stopped short of the tub. Leaning over, she lightly touched her lips to Jennie's and grinned as she responded.

"Hi," Jennie whispered, her eyes still closed.

"Hi." Lisa replied, dipping a finger into the water and could tell she'd been in for a bit as the water was lukewarm. She grabbed a basin and filled it with hot water from the faucet and poured it into the tub, she heard Jennie sigh contentedly.

"Took you long enough." Jennie murmured.

"Just wanted to make sure they had everything under control," Lisa replied. "If you're too tired we can always stay in," she suggested. "Order Chinese food, watch old movies like we used to..."

Jennie cracked an eye open and gave her a look, sitting up in the bath and her knees drawn to her chest. "Oh no - I want a proper date Lisa Manobal. If we're going to leave our son at Jisoo's, we might as well make it worth our while."

Laughing, Lisa nodded. "Fair point." She walked over to the closet and pulled out a large towel and returned to Jennie's side, holding the towel out to her. Jennie stood up, pulling the drain in the tub with the toes and held open her arms as Lisa wrapped her up and plucked her out of the tub. "What are you wearing tonight?"

"I haven't entirely decided yet," Jennie replied, shaking her head. "Any suggetions?"

"Uncomplicated," Lisa replied with a grin. "I don't want too much effort wasted undressing you when we get home."

Jennie laughed as she walked past her and into her side of the walk-in closet, she pulled a ruby red form fitting dress with capped sleeves and a skirt that fell just before her knees. "I'm wearing this, so you better take me somewhere that warrants an outfit as fabulous as this."

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