Chapter 8

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The next morning Lisa opened her eyes to find a pair of brown eyes just an inch away from her. "Hi." The small boy whispered.

"Hi Eun-woo."

"Sshh momm's sweeping." He held a finger to his lips and Lisa nodded. He scooted closer to her until he was cuddled up against her. She wrapped her arm around him and both fell back to sleep again, which is how Jennie found them about an hour later when she woke up. She was still in awe as Eun-woo had never taken to anyone like he had Lisa. And Lisa, who hadn't really been around kids, was great him. The two were facing her and she noticed that they actually kind of looked alike with their dark brown hair and their mouth slightly open. Both looking completey content. She couldn't help herself, she scooted closer and wrapped her arm aiund them the two. I could get use to waking up like this.

A few hours later Lisa woke up to whispering and two pairs of brown eyes looking at her. Jennie and Eun-woo giggled when Lisa groaned. "Oh no. You're both morning people." She rolled over on to her stomach with her head to the side, facing them. Eun-woo jumped on her back while still giggling.

"Lisa wake up." He kissed her cheek making the woman smile. Jennie scooted on the space that Eun-woo left, putting her hand on the boy's back looking content just laying on Lisa's back.

"I'm awake buddy. What are you guys whispering about?"

"What we wanted to do today?" Jennie said.

"Yeah? What's that?"

"Well, we wanted to know if you wanted to go to the park with us. Then maybe go get some ice cream after?"

"Ice cweam!" Eun-woo perked up at the mention of his favorite snack.

"Well that sounds like a plan to me." Lisa readily agreed.

They got up a few minutes later and Lisa ran home to shower and change with a promise to be back in less than an hour to pick them up. She hurried through the shower and and threw some clothes on wanting to get back over to her two favorite people. Yes, Eun-woo was certainly high on her list of favorites. And she was glad that he seemed to like her as much as she liked him.

When she arrived back at Jennie's apartment she saw that Jennie had everything packed and her and Eun-woo were ready to go. She carried the picnic basket and the bag full of Eun-woo's things down to the car while Jennie picked up the car seat to be put on Lisa's car and held Eun-woo' hand.

"Lisa you play footbol wit us?" He asked once he was settled on the car.

Lisa turned in her seat to face him and smiled. "Of course I'll play with you buddy!" She then whispered to Jennie. "I have no idea how to play football." Causing the other woman to laugh.

"It's okay. We just throw it around and chase each other."

"Oh...okay then. I can totally do that."

They arrived at the park setting their blanket underneath a huge tree, Jennie pulling out the sandwiches she made. While they ate they talked and watched several people playing with their kids  or their dogs. Eun-woo of course pointed out each dog that passed by. He was buzzing in excitement when a small dog came running towards him, licking him once and then trying to steal his sandwich. A woman came running.

"Donald no! I'm so sorry!" She said picking up the dog. "He got off his leash!" Jennie just laughed waving off her apology.

The lady bent down when Eun-woo asked if he could pet the dog. He giggled when the dog licked his face again. "He seems to like you." She let him pet for a minute before standing and apologizing again. "You guys are a really cute family, sorry again for interrupting." Both women blushed and muttered a goodbye.

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