Chapter 7

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A few days later Lisa was at the studio waiting for Sabrina to show up. They had been working together on a collaboration for Sabrina's new album. She received a text from the artist saying she was gonna be a bit late because an interview ran behind. The two of them had become fast friends after they met at a party they admit they'd been forced to go to. She was hiding from the crowd and avoiding small talk when the other girl found her. She was trying to find a hiding spot as well. They began talking and had remained in touch and both jumped at the chance to work together when an opportunity presented itself.

While she waited she pulled her laptop out to work on the side project she had going when Rosé walked in.

"Hey, you want to have dinner at our place tomorrow night?" She aaid taking a seat beside her. Rosé works at the studio sometimes, doing her own recordings.

"Can't. I'm having dinner with Jennie and Eun-woo."

"You two are getting close again." Rosé said, it looked like she wanted to say more and Lisa noticed. So she stopped whatever ahe was doing and looked at the blonde.


"Are you going to tell her? Because I think you should tell her."

Lisa rolled her eyes. "She's with someone Rosé."

"Okay, from what I've heard from Jisoo is she only started dating her in the first place to keep her parents off her back. They'd been nagging Jennie unnie about raising Eun-woo alone. So her parents introduced them, they were in the same social circle apparently, golf club buddies and the likes, you know what I mean."

"So? That doesn't mean I could just tell her. I'm not gonna ruin a relationship no matter what the circumstances are."

"Look. I get that you're all noble and don't want to mess with relationships, but just tell her. Let her decide what she wants instead of not giving her the choice."

Lisa thought about it for a minute and sighed.

"What if I tell her...and she doesn't want to ne with me?" She asked quietly.

Rosé melted at her bestfriends words. Lisa had never been this vulnerable. They didn't usually have serious talks like this. She knew that she just didn't want her heart broken. She put her hands around her shoulders and made sure she was looking at her.

"But what if she does? You need to take the chance. And if it turns out that she doesn't feel the same way, well, atleast you'll know."

Lisa seemed to give a thought while Rosé sat back on the couch.

"I don't know." She finally said.

"Lis, you've been torturing yourself for years, what have you got to lose?"

"What if I tell her and she laughs in my face and hates me?"

Rosé rolled her eyes at her. "That's a bit over dramatic Lis. She's not going to laugh at you, and come on, I mean this is Jennie unnie were talking about. She doesn't have it in her to hate anybody. Especially you."

"I'll think about it."

"Good. I gotta get some work done. Call me this week, we'll hang out." She stood and gave Lisa's head a pat. Something that always annoyed the other woman, causing her to laugh.


Lisa knocked on the door to Jennie's apartment the next night. Eun-woo opened it and immediately hugged her legs.


She bent down and actually picked him up and hugged him as well. "Hi handsome."

"Wow look at you. Actually holding a child and not freaking out." Jennie teased.

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