Eun-woo sat on the couch in their living room, arms crossed tightly against his chest with his lower lip jutting out a bit. All sorts of bags and luggage were near the door, waiting to embark on what was most certainly going to be an adventure. An adventure Eun-woo didn't realize he was going to be left out of until today. Lisa sat next to him with an arm wrapped around the devastated boy who sniffled repeatedly, as if sniffling was keeping the tears pooled in his eyes from spilling down his cheeks. Rosé sat on his other side, giving him a reassuring pat on the leg while Bambam, Suk-ku stood on the other side of the coffee table. Lisa felt terrible that Eun-woo was upset about not being to allowed to go but it wasn't like anything Bambam had planned was going to be appropriate for grown-ups, let alone Eun-woo.
"Buddy, I'm sorry," Lisa said apologetically. "But you just aren't old enough to go."
"It's not fair Mama!" Eun-woo cried. "I want to go too."
"I know," Lisa replied, hugging him as she kissed the top of his head. "But someone has to stay with Grandma while she's here this weekend. You wouldn't want her to be lonely would you?"
Eun-woo sniffled. "No. I just don't know why no one wants me to come because you said it was a party and I always do stuff during party's." He looked over at Bambam. "It's all your fault!"
"Me!" Bambam exclaimed. "What did I do!"
"I never gots left out of things and now you're here and I get left out of everything!" Eun-wo cried.
"Eun-woo Kim," Lisa said, soft but stern. "That's enough. You apologize to Banbam for your tone. This isn't his fault. You're just not old enough to go this time."
"Sorry," the boy muttered, not looking at Bambam who looked a bit taken aback at Eun-woo's outburst.
Eun-woo wiped his eyes with the back of his hands and looked at Lisa. "You're going to have funs without me."
Lisa felt a pull at her chest at the little boy's pouting lip. "You know," she said. "Your mommy and Auntie Jisoo have their party on Wednesday, maybe you and I can do something fun - just the two of us."
The suggestion perked him up just a bit as he sniffled again. "Just you and me?"
"You and me." Lisa promised.
Eun-woo leaned into her and she hugged him again with the arm still wrapped around him. "Okay." He replied, a bit less sullen.
At the sight of his mother descending the staircase, Eun-woo leapt off the couch and ran towards her, burying his face in her legs as he barreled into her in the foyer. Jennie looked over at Lisa and gave her a silly grin before bending over to pick the boy up. He latched his legs around her waist, his face in the crook of her neck as she comforted him. With her arms around him, she walked over and stood as Lisa got off of the couch and met her halfway, giving her a sweet kiss as her hand rubbed Eun-woo's back.
"Be good." Jennie said, kissing Lisa again.
Lisa kissed her a final time and grinned. "You have fun with Chu."
"Will do." She replied.
"Guyss. Can we please please please get this show on the road?" Bambam suddenly whined. "We're already behind schedule."
"Heaven forbid you get behind schedule."
Rosé laughed at the sound of Jisoo's voice as she walked into the living room through the other doorway. She walked over to her as Bambam audibly groaned. "We have to go!" He whined.

Stupid Choices and Second Chances
RomanceLisa had been helplessly in love with Jennie forever but never had the guts to tell her. After Jennie gets married Lisa can't seem to bear it and cuts all ties with the love of her life. What happens 5 years later when they meet up again. Will Lisa...