Jennie was out and about with Eun-woo in Robertson Boulevard a day before Valentine's. She was looking for a gift for Lisa and buy some stuff for Eun-woo.
"Mommy," Eun-woo said, pulling on her hand. "Mommy, someone's following us."
Jennie paid the man for the bag of biscuits that her son chose. She looked at Eun-woo who was pointing towards the window. "Don't point buddy." She said, gently mowering his hand. "Where?"
Eun-woo lifted his arms and Jennien obliged, picking him up as he pointed towards the window. "There," he whispered in her ear. "She was in the ice cweam shop and at the bookstore and now she's there."
She turned to see where Eun-woo was pointing and didn't see anyone. "Are you sure buddy?" She asked tugging his cap down so it covered his face to protect it from the sun as they made their way back outside.
Eun-woo nodded as Jennie opened the door. Leaving the shop, she saw someone familiar. As the man turned around, Jennie locked eyes with him. Shifting her son so she had a better hold, she gave him a reaassuring pat on his back as she and the man walked towards each other. Jennie extended a hand to shake his. "Hello Sung-hoon."
"Hello." He looked at Eun-woo who had his arms wrapped around Jennie's neck. I just got back to town - Kai and I, we were in London for a bit, Krystal has work engagements there you see. It's been years since I last saw you Jennie. He looks nothing like him." He said glancing at Eun-woo again.
Laughing, Jennie shook her head. "Thank heavens for that. Eun-woo, this is Mr. Yoon. Can you say hello?"
Eun-woo looked at him apprehensively. "Hello Mr. Yoon. Why you following us?"
Jennie and Sung-hoon laughed awkwardly, and Eun-woo looked thoroughly unamused. "I was." Sung-hoon admitted. He looked at Jennie. "Wendy's over there trying on clothes and she swore she saw you."
"Mommy, it's hot. I wanna go." Eun-woo whispered in her ear.
Jennie nodded, pulling his cap down a bit more as he snuggled his head into the crook of her neck. "Right. Well, we have a few more errands to run. It was good to see you Sung-hoon." She waved and the on her finger sparkled against the sun.
Sung-hoon looked at Jennie, as if he was a bit confused at the sight before him. "Holy shit! Kai was right."
"Excuse me?"
"He said that you were all chummy with Lisa Manobal and probably got engaged during the New Year's Eve party at YG. I told him he'd gone crazy. I can't even believe what I'm seeing right now. Your mother would be completely appalled!"
Jennie felt her jaw tighten a bit. "Kai was right. Lisa and I are engaged. So I must be crazy huh? Now, if you'll excuse us, we have errands to finish." She pushed past Sung-hoon and made her way towards Jisoo's brother, Suk-ku's café, hoping he was in there. She was trying to keep her seething to a minimum. "Let's go see Mommy's friend in here buddy. You remember Uncle Suk-ku right?" She said, lightening her tone.
He nodded. "He's still following us Mommy." Eun-woo said. "I don't like him."
"Me neither." Jennie mumbled.
The two of them disappeared into Suk-ku's café, maneuvering around the tables. They found him behind the register, cashing out a customer. "Well, well, well," Suk-ku said as Jennie pulled Eun-woo's hat off, setting him on the counter. "If it isn't two of my favorite people. What do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
"Hi Suk-ku, keep an eye on the door please?" Jennie asked. "Let me know if Sung-hoon walks in."
"I doubt he would walk into my shop." Suk-ku joked.

Stupid Choices and Second Chances
RomanceLisa had been helplessly in love with Jennie forever but never had the guts to tell her. After Jennie gets married Lisa can't seem to bear it and cuts all ties with the love of her life. What happens 5 years later when they meet up again. Will Lisa...