Chapter 13

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Jennie had tried to call Lisa but all she got was her voicemail. She left her a message to call her and kept on apologizing for how their dinner went. She called Hae-in and asked her to stay just a little longer. Since Lisa wasn't answering she figured she would drive by her house or her studio to talk to the woman. Please don't run away again. She kept repeating on her head.

She stopped outside the studio and noticed that all the lights were out. She then drove to Lisa's house. She got out of the car and knocked on the door. She waited for fifteen minutes. She sent her another message saying that she was worried about her and begged her call. After waiting for ten more minutes she finally gave up. She needed to get back home to Eun-woo.


Jennie woke the next morning after a few hours of sleep. She had been up most of the night hoping Lisa would call. She fell asleep around 3am still not hearing from her. She turned on her bed and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. It was only 5am. She hoped Lisa would've called. Instead she saw a simple text from her. Check your door. She shot up out of bed, running towards the front door. She opened it and found a small shoe box on the ground. She took it back to her room and sat on her bed. Her heart was beating wildly as she stared at the box wondering what it could be. Taking a deep breath, she opened the box. There were photos, several flashdrives and a piece of paper. She picked up the paper and read the letter.


I'm sorry I left and didn't call or text you back last night. I was at my studio working on something for you. I didn't mean for you to worry.

I want you to go through this stuff. I'm not very good at expressing myself verbally but I think this will get the message across. Start with the pictures. I look at them whenever I feel down and want to remember the great times we had. Then there are the flashdrives. I know there are several of them but they were all made for you Jennie. Some are songs I made for you, the videos are for you as well. They're all labeled by number, the videos. Do me favor and watch all of the videos first before you contact me. You can skip the songs for now. If you listen to all of them it would take you weeks. I don't exactly know how you'll react so just keep in mind this is very difficult for me to put myself out ther like this. It's why it's taken me so long. I won't contact you. I want to give you all the time you need. So if you never want to see me again ai understand. If you do and still want to come over tonight then I'll be home.


Jennie picked up the pictures. All of them were of her and Lisa. She smiled at each one of them as she looked and remembered the occassion it was taken. One was of them when they were on the car, they were on their way back to their dorms after finishing their evaluation and someone had taken a picture of her and Lisa, sleeping, cuddled up to each other. Another was one of them clearly drunk and another with both of them squeezing into a kitchen cabinet. She laughed as she remebered that night.

"Hey Lisa! I bet you ten bucks you can't fit in this cabinet!" Jisoo yelled from the kitchen. She and Rosé both rolled their eyes. They all knew Lisa would never turn down a bet. A few seconds later Lisa came running.

"Challenge accepted!" She looked at the empty cabinet. "Oh this would be easy." She said and started to climb into the cabinet. It was plenty big enough for Lisa to get in there and actually be comfortable. "Ha! See? I told you!" She held out her hand. Jisoo laughed and handed her the money.

"I know. I just wanted to see you in the cabinet. And you would have never done it if I asked. I know you can't say no to a bet." Jisoo said as she took a picture. "You can get out now."

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