How do I reach out for help when there's never been a hand there to grasp onto?Why do you just roll your eyes?
How can I cry out when there's no ear to hear it?
Why don't you listen to me?
How do I climb out of this pit without a ladder?
Why do you keep pushing me back down?
How can I tie a knot when I'm long passed the end of my rope?
Why is what you think of me more important to me than how I feel about myself?
How can I live when all I want to do is die?
Why do you not care?
How can you tell me things will get better when all they do is get worse?
Why do you expect me to get over it?
How can you tell me to be thankful when I am shattered to bits?
Why do you just expect me to be this person you've created?
How can you just watch as I fall apart?
Why did you even have me?
How can you claim to love me and do nothing?
Musings on Life from a Dead Girl
Poesie#2 in poetry July 2024 Poetry about the life of a girl.