The System

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In our country we are a part of a system that profits off of the weak and the needy

I didn't ask it to have a brain tumor when I was twelve that even after surgery still dominates my life.

I didn't ask to have to take medications or need to see specialists in order to stay alive.

No one ever did

But here I am having to put my medication, the one that I need to stave away the migraines and tissue growth.

The medication that allows me some semblance of normalcy

On my credit card

I am 21 years old, and I am considered lucky.

I have health insurance.

I still can't afford my medication.

I still can't afford to go to all of my appoints.

I can't afford to take time off at work to go to the appointments even if I could.

I have no money.

We live in a country that wants us to live this way.

That would rather have people die than to help them.

To use our tax dollars to plant exotic trees along the interstate than to help the ill to get the care they need.

I hate this system we are trapped in.

I hate my body for doing this to me and putting my in this place.

I hate the people in power.

I hate the companies that perpetrate this inane way of life.

I am so full of hate that I feel like I am burning from the inside out.

I can only think of one thing to say


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