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I am emotional

I stay up too late and then complain that I'm tired

I like routine

I need too much validation

I leave my hair in the drain and paint brushes in the sink

I sit naked for hours after a shower because that is when my best ideas come, and it is criminal not to write them down

I have four novels on rotation at any given moment

Two shelves of books I haven't read yet

That never stops me from buying more

I'm bad at saving money

I'm chronically early for everything

I have bad days, but I try to make the good days better

I only like sweets

I eat second breakfast like a hobbit

I wear my heart on my sleeve

Peter is my favorite disciple

I can't spell for shit

I take my Prozac with Redbull

I like to sing but only for myself

If I could have a superpower, I'd want teleportation so that I never had to drive

My playlists give other people whiplash

I overpack and under-plan

I say things to myself that I'd never say to anyone else

I get attached too easily

I can't tell when someone is flirting with me

I hate to dust

I have my daddy's taste in music

I have my momma's eyes

my sister is my best friend

I have exactly 3 friends and sometimes that feels like too many

I burn not tan

I hate the beach

I love all art, even bad art

I cry way, way too much

I have too many pillows on my bed

My favorite color is pink

I still feel like a princess whenever I put on a dress that twirls just the right way

I think every baby is beautiful

I'd rather redo something ten times than to ask for help

I'm not waiting on anyone to help me, I'll find a way

I still cry before every doctor's appointment

I hate shopping for clothes

I like being alone

My favorite place in the world is the library

I decided I wanted to be a writer in middle school

I wrote my first story when I was 4

I'd rather mow a lawn with safety-scissor than to read aloud

I can recall every nice thing someone has ever said to me

I love sports almost as much as I love the arts

I wish I didn't have so many fears

I've had a bucket list since I was ten

I can't half-ass anything

I can function on very little sleep

I love ice-cream even though I'm lactose intolerant

John 13:34 is my favorite Bible verse

I have a very bad temper I battle to keep in check

I love music and movies from the early 2000's 

I sometimes talk too much, or too fast

My face is always red

I only wear a bra because my mom makes me

I want to be vegetarian

If I could live in any fictional world, it would be the one from Winx Club

I think milk in tea is gross

I'd give my left kidney for a longer Everlark epilogue 

I read an embarrassing amount of fanfiction

I hate small spaces

I have so many labels that I could put on myself, but I won't, because they are not who I am

I hate people mansplaining things to me that I already know, especially nerdy things

I hate people that make others feel small or stupid for not knowing

Ask me a question if I don't know, I'll learn it with you

I make sure my friends get to their cars

I'm a church mouse until you hurt someone I care about

Fall is my favorite time of the year

Peaches are my favorite fruit

I think sex is sacred

I love frogs

I'd rather choke than use lotion

I have a small obsession with lip oils and boutique clothes

I wanted to be a fashion designer up until middle school

I can hand sew faster than a machine

I love to paint but I can't draw for shit

I kill every plant I touch, except for this very forgiving aloe vera plant on my desk

There is perpetually paint under my nails

I don't drink alcohol

I am overdressed in every situation

I'm too giving

I write my feelings instead of talking about them

I like foreign films

I listen to audio books on 2x speed 

Friends-to-lovers is my favorite trope 

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