Chapter 325 - War 19.

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[Chapter Size: 1900 Words.]
Third Person POV

Marineford, First Half of Grandline.



"Then he first reduced the flames with the power of his beast, his companion created melting blocks while around flames and cleared the entire bay of flames to have the fewest possible victims, are they now launching the blocks around flames to the navy bay?" Rayleigh commented from his tree, watching the war on the only possible transmission.

People scattered below him were looking at all that stunned, seeing the navy receive the counterattack of the attack they sent to the bay. Both common people, reporters, and pirates among them the worst generation, couldn't help but look at the scene in front of them with some mixture of admiration and fear.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the chaos, all the navy members who could do something with the burning ice flying towards them quickly started to act, while the sailors exclaimed at it.

Even from a distance, Lucy looked at that dazed, while a Coby lay defeated on the ground. She couldn't help but look at it with her eyes closed.

Even Sengoku and Garp also acted, with the fleet admiral transforming into Buddha and Garp flying in the air beginning to punch the flames, the pirates looked at it wordlessly, at one moment they were cornered, and the next, they saw the navy being cornered.

"Incredible... the Straw Hats did something like this?!" The pirates murmured looking at the scene.

"That's the power of Shiki..." Whitebeard looked surprised at Bepo flying in the sky.

"This has given us a great advantage! Let's go forward, follow Ace's brother!" Marco immediately shouted for them to run, after all the pacifistas didn't stop attacking them from the rear, as they advanced.

Explosions began to occur as soon as the flaming debris began to make contact with the square. The admirals began to use their powers, with Kuzan creating large ice walls that encircled a large part of the square to protect the sailors, who were all scared behind him unable to do anything but face their death with that attack.

Kizaru launched hundreds of light arrows crossing his arms in the air that advanced against the attack. Akainu also launched various lava fists to stop what his previous attack had become. Garp quickly began to punch everything in front of him, and Sengoku, in his Golden Buddha form, began to launch shock explosions as well, while Ace could only stand looking at all that heat covering the square with the sailors trying to protect themselves.

Much of Bepo's attack was quickly destroyed, while even the vice admirals did their part, destroying districts here and there as they could. However, this did not prevent some meteors from getting through their defense, many sailors could only open their eyes while they were quickly hit with flame explosions in the middle of the square, and some of the attacks flew far away, also exploding the city behind Marineford, with some even hitting the tower of justice.

Marineford was becoming chaos, with flames appearing all over the place covering the largest navy structure with smoke. Amid this, as the sailors tried to minimize all the damage, giant cuts appeared and flew to the wall that separated the bay from the square, exploding in various attacks and creating holes. "What is this?" some nearby sailors exclaimed, seeing their companions flying with the debris of the wall falling on them.

They looked at the holes created with fear, as a shadow emerged from the smoke and Luffy became visible as he entered the middle of the square with his cape swinging with his symbol behind.

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