Your What???

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{Later on That Day}

So later on today, im still at home. But right now its about 7 or 8 something because it was now getting kinda dark outside. But anyways i was upstairs in my room, i had just got out the shower, and I was sitting in front of my mirror messing with my wet hair until i herd a knock on the door. I then got up and went downstairs to answer it..


When i made it downstairs, i went to the door, and when i slowly opened it i saw that it was chris, he wobbled himself in. He was acting very weird. When he wobbled in, he stumbled in and almost fell. So i helped him get straightened up, then i helped upstairs to my room...

{Back In My Room}

When we made it back up to my room, Chris fell and just laid on the floor. So i quietly sat down next to him to see if he was okay...

You: Chris?

Chris:*Mumbles* Hmm?

You: Are you alright?

Chris: Yea, im just fine..

You: Well to me, you smell like licquer and weed..

Chris: *Mumbling* Im sorry baby, but yess what your smelling is correct..

You: Uh-Uh, Chris...

Chris: What?

You: Chris you have to leave..

Chris: Why, Èlaine i can barely make it to the corner. Now do you honestly think i can make it all the way to my house..

You:*Sighs* I dont know about having you here drunk AND high.

When i looked down at Chris who looked like he had feel asleep i just shook my head t the face that he's even here DRUNK and HIGH. And all the things donny said earlier about him just kept replaying in my head...But while i was looking at chris, i decided to get him back awake, and get him up to my bed. So i just started shaking him and calling his name...

Chris: *Mumbles* What?

You: Come on get up...

Chris: i dont wana leave.

You: Your not going anywhere Chris, im helping you up to my bed..

He sighed, then i held his arm as he got up. Then i led him over to my bed, when we got there he threw him self onto my bed on his back. Then i went and turned the light off and came back over to the bed, and as i was climbing over Chris to get to the other side he gripped my waist and made me sit ontop of him..

Chris: Right here.

You:Come on stop...

He laughed a little then he let me get over to the other side.

Chris: Lay with me?

You: But you're-

Chris: I know, I know...

You: *Sighs*.

Chris: I wont bite.

I giggled when he said that, then i gently scooted towrds him, and laid my head on chest. And when i did, i felt him wrap his arms around me..But just as i was going to close my eye's i herd him say...

Chris: What do you think of me?

You:..Umm, i noticed that your very protective and humble.

Chris: Noo, like if i were to ask you to be my girl, what would you say?

You: I honestly dont know because you a cute guy and all but, you a- Umm...

Chris: Thug?

You: Yeaa, and you sell drugs and its just that, i've never been with somone like that.

Chris: I know but, its not like i would make you do anything dangerous or sonething you wouldnt want to do..

You: i know, but being in that life just makes it harder, and plus It all leads somewhere different,and the last place you'll end up is dead....

Chris: *Sighs* Everyone tells me that-

You: Only because its true...

Chris: Yea i know, but none of you know my story...When i just a little kid, both of my parents were into drugs, My dad use to sell it and my mom use to smoke and snort it..and thats where this all started...I got into all of the gangs, crews, drugs nd stuff when i was 13...

Chris: And the last girl i was with was scared of me...Would you ever be scared of me?

You: Umm...not really, i think your a nice guy....*Yawns*.

Chris: Let's go to sleep, i dont wana keep you up all night..

I nodded then i slowly closes my eye's and soon drofted right off to sleep..

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