Something'(S) Not Right...(To be continued)

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...*Next Morning*

When i woke up, i was awaken to a really bad feeling in my body. So i carefully sat up and i relized that Chris wasn't laying next to me... So i then gently for out from the bed, and i slowly walked down the hall to Camryn's room. She wasn't there. But then the feeling in my stomach had suddenly got worse. So i went into the bathroom, and as soon as i reached the toilet i threw up directly in it... 

(Chris's Pov) As of right now, i was sitting downstairs with Camryn who was sound asleep while leaning on me. And as we were sitting there with the TV on barely paying attention to it, i herd a odd noise come from upstairs. So i carefully picked camryn up to take her to her room to lay her down...And when i finally had layed her down, i walked down the hall to the bathroom where the light was on, and when i walked in, it was Elainee leanind carelessly over the toilet. She was cleaning herself up, when she finally got up and noticed me, she stood there emotionless...

You: Elainee?

Elainee: Yeah?

You: You alright, why were you just throwing up?

Elainee: Huh? What are you talking about, i wasnt throwing up...

You: Baby, you don't have to lie to me. I herd you from downstairs, and plus i came in and caught you leaning over the toilet....There isn't a chance that your pregnant again......

(HA , Cliff Hanger Guy's...Okay really this time i need your comment's of your opinions..Should Elainee be pregnant for the SECOND time or no..If so what should it be Boy or Girl..COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT...Oh and RATE!!!!!)

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