What's Going On?

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{Your Pov} So after i came home, i did as Chris said i made sure everything was locked..and i came straight upstairs to my room. Every sense that car came and left, he's been acting really weird. But as i waited on him i just went over by my window bed, and i gently sat down and looked out the window..But when i did sit down, a bang came to the front door downstairs. It scared me to the pointed i jumped when i herd it. Now at first i was going to go answer it, but i remembered what Chris said so i quickly and quietly turned off my room light and i got down on the floor...*BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG*, i jumped as the banging continued, the i herd talking...and soon silence. But i still kept my room light off and i remained on the floor, and i kept that way until chris came...

{1 Hour & a Half Passed By}

As time went by, it is now 12:28. Im still on the floor of my room, with the lights off. I wasnt even playing on my phone because i was so scared. As i was still in the process of calming down, my phone ringtone "M.I.A by Omarion began to play.When i carefully picked up my phone, i saw that it was Chris. So i quickly answered..

{Phone Convo}

You: Chris?

Chris: Yess baby, its me. Now hurry up and come open up the door.

You: Okay.

{End of Convo}

After i hung up the phone, I quietly got up from the floor and i made my way downsrairs to the front door without turning on any lights...When i did, i carefully and slowly opened up the door until i saw Chris standing there. And when he saw me, he came right in and hugged me. Then i closed and locked the front door, tight and i took his hand and we went upstairs to my room so i turned on the lights again..

{Back Upstairs}

Chris: You okay babe?

I nodded.

You: About an hour before you came, somone came and was banging on the door, so i shut the lights off and i laid on the floor.

Chris: Good.

You: Baby would you please tell me whats going on?

Chris then quietly sighed and put me on his lap as he laid back against the headboard.

Chris: Remember that car that pulled up earlier?

I nodded, answering his question.

Chris: Well that was somone, i owe money to. And he said that if i don't come with his money by friday, he's gona come after somthing very important to me..

You: And what is that?

Chris: You don't wana know.

You: *Sighs* Well how much do you owe?

Chris: $5,000.

You: What the- Chris, how the hell do you owe somone THAT muh money?

Chris: Long story..

You:...Well if it helps, i can loan you a $500.

Chris: Thanks baby. The we'll have to come up with $2,500 more..

You:..Well why you think about that, im gona go take a shower.

He nodded with his fingers on his chin, i take it that he was thinking. I just got up from his lap, grabbed me some Pajama's and i went into the bathroom...

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