Ex's and Oh's ..

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*Few Minutes Later*

After Tge song finally changed to "Drake - Versache" Came on and we finally stop dancing..

Julian: Aye, why dont you stay here. Im gona be back..

I nodded, but before Julian walked off, he leaned towards me and gently placed a kiss on my cheek and added a wink as he walked off. I just blushed and looked away....Until i spotted somone who i didnt think i was going to see. Me Ex- Keyon. When he then spotted me standing here, he began to walk towards me..So i just walked away from where i was standing, into the crowd...

(Keyon's Thoughts) What the hell?First this girl comes to this damn party with that nigga Julian, Second she saw me and starts running away from me...Well if she wants to play it that way, then we will...(End of Thoughts)

(Julian's Pov) When i finally came back to the spot that i had left Dior in..I saw that she was...GONE. i dont get it, i mean she was here when i left...I then turned and just looked around, and there was nothing but all the other party guests dancing, talking and laughing...I then went ahead to disappear into the dancing crowd to find her...

(Dior's Pov) So while i was still here in the house, scramming around, trying to get away from Dior. I suddenly stopped walking around, and turned around and there stood Keyon directly in my face. I just jumped and stared with wide eyes..

Keyon: Whats wrong baby? Arent you happy to see daddy?

He said with a smirk on his face as he stroked my cheek. I just shook my head "No" as i smacked his hand away...

Keyon: Aww. Come on now..dont be like that.

You: NO..Leave me alone. Just..leave.me.the hell.alone.

Keyon: Foreal Dior.. now didnt we start off as a good ass couple?

I just slowly looked away..

Keyon: Exactly..And to think we would be closer than that...

He said as he leaned closer to my face..

You: Hell no. You were always gone, always messing with other girls, and ALWAYS yelling fighting and cursing at me like i was the bad person..Like i said..Leave me alone, Keyon.

Just as i tried to walk away, Keyon grabbed my wrist which made me stop. He was going to say somthing, until...

??: Dior..There you are. Come on.

I turned to look and i saw that it was Julian. So i then looked From Keyon then back at Julian, and i then jerked my wrist from and made my way to Julian...

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