Why Me..

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{Chris's Pov} After i came downstairs as soon as i was going to sit down on the couch, the front doorbell rang. I looked at my watch and it was 7 something in the afternoon..So i walked over to the front door and when i opened it, i saw my boyz and they brought 2 girls with them. As each of them walked in i did the hand shake with them. Then we all went into the living room...

*1 Hour Later*

{Èlainee's Pov} As time was still passing by, i was still in my room sound alseep. When i begam to hear loud music, talking and laughing. So i slowly got up and whipped my eye's then i went downstairs to see what was going on...


When i got downstairs i followed all the noise, which led me straight to the living room. As i walked in, i saw only two girls and like five or six other boys besides chris...But when Chris turned his head from his friends, he realized that i had finally woken up..

Chris: Heyyyy, my sleepy baby..Come here.

I went over to the couch where he was sitting down with his friends, then i stood in front of him. Then he stood up and kissed me on my forhead..

Chris: It's about time you woke up, i was lonely down here..

You: *Laughs*.

Chris: But hey baby, could you go and grab me a beer from the kitchen?

You: *Sniff Sniff* Umm Chris? I think you may have had enough.

Chris: Baby please. I promise that this will be the LAST one of the night.

I playfully rolled my eye's. Then i turned around and walked in the kitchen. And JUST as i was getting ready to grab a beer from the counter by the fridge, i felt somone come up behind be and put their hands around my waist...I had already thought that is was Chris, so i just smiled and turned around. But then i saw that it wasnt Chris. It was DayDay. Right then and there i felt my smile just fade away..

DayDay: Wassup baby?

You: Umm what's up is you better get away from me.

DayDay: Come on now. Don't be like that.

You: What, no DayDay really let me go before Chris comes in here..

DayDay: Psshhh, aint no body worried about Chris...Now why dont you go ahead and give me a little kiss right here *Points To Lips*.

You: No im not gona kiss you. Your drunk first of all and second, you know im with Chris..

When i said that, DayDay picked me up and roughly sat me down ontop of the counter, and gripped my arms..As of right now, i was getting really scared. So i tried squeling out of his grip. But it didnt work.

DayDay: Mmm, you know i been waitin for you, girl..

You: Please just stop..

With that being said he roughly started kissing me while i was still in his tight grip trying to wiggle loose. And as all of this was happening i was just thinking my head " I hope somone walkes in this kitchen soon, and what did i ever do to deserve any of this shit"....

{Chris's Pov} So as i was still in the living room chilling, and talking with my boys, i looked around and i realized that Èlainee still hasnt brought me my bear. Then all of a sudden i started hearing noises coming directly from the kitchen. Then i herd Èlainee's voice say "Please stop it". That's when i turned and tapped Julian who was next to me flirting with one of the girls they brought along with them..

Julian: What?

You: You got yo gun with you?

Julian: Yea. Why wassup?

You: Let me see it.

Julian: For what?

You: Nigga hurry up and let me see the damn gun.

When i said that, he took the gun out and gave it to me. I then took the whole clip out so nothing was in it. Then i got up from the couch and went into the kitchen....And when i did, i couldnt believe what i had saw...

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