The Doctor...

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(Next Day)...

When i woke up, i had an awful headach and a weird feeling in my stomach..I then looked over at Chris who was fast asleep still. So i then carefully and quietly climbed out of the bed and i went to go see if Camryn was still asleep as well.......And it turns out that she was. So i then came back into Chris and I's room to get some cloths so i could take a shower and get dressed.

*30 Minutes Later*

When i was finished getting dressed, i grabbed Chris's phone and Key's and i went downstairs...I had on some black sweat pants, a red adidas jacket, and some red converse...After i had grabbed everything i needed, i quietly left without waking Chris and Camryn...

*1 Hour Later*

here i am, sitting on the Hospital Bed i nthe room...I was sitting here quietly already waiting for the Doctor to come back with my test results..For some reason i dont know why im nervous but i am. my heart is beating kinda hard and fast. And just as i was still sitting here, my phone rang from my pocket. I slid it out and saw that it was Chris...I just put my phone on mute and when i did, the doctor came walking back in...

Doctor:...*Sighs*  Well Ms.Daniel yes, your results came back positve...-

You: P-..positive??

Doctor: Yes, your are pregnant again. Your five and a half weeks. But i need to talk to really need to be careful. The test did detect a small portion of drugs in your urin..Now with this baby, your really going to have to be careful. Meaning stay awake from Drugs and Alcohol...or your baby will be born with serious medical problems..Now to have a healthy born baby your going to have to eat right..And you cant stress to much..

I nodded my head. Then i grabbed my phone and key's and left to go back home....

(At Home)

When i made it here back at home, i walked threw the front door, and i went straight to the living room where i found Chris and Camryn wide awake playing together..When they both saw me, i went ahead and sat down on the couch next to them..

Chris: Baby? Where were you? Is everything alright?

I nodded...


Camryn: Mornin.....

I gave a slight fake smile and i waved at Camryn who was sitting on Chris's lap with her bottle in her hand..

Chris: *Sighs*...Camryn go play upstairs....

Camryn smiled and got off his lap, and made her way upstairs....Then Chris turned and looked at me.

Chris: Alright..Baby tell me whats wrong..

You: Im pregnant again...

Chris: Are you sure?

I nodded ounce more..

You: 5 and a half weeks...

..I suddenly began to tear up because while i had the fact of me being pregnant again stuck in my head, i then just started thinking about all of what i had done during the last 5 weeks...i mean all the smoking and the drugs...its just...i siged to myself and i just got up and went upstairs to Chris and I's room to lay down.....

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