Missin' You

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*Next Day*

This mornining i was woken up to somone knocking on the front door. So i slowly dragged myself out of the bed, and i went downstairs to open the door...When i did i saw that it was Julian and Mike. I stepped aside and let them in, then we walked in the living room in silence for a minute..

Mike: *Sighs* You heard form Chris?

I shook me head as i wipped my eye's..

Julian: Well, i did.

You: What did he say? And why didnt he call me?

Julian: He said he wants us to go to get some money that he had hidden, which we did that and its right here.

When he said that, he sat down a couple stacks on the table and looked back at me..

Mike: And he also said, the reason why he didnt call YOU, is because he didnt want you worrying..But he should be calling you sometime today..

I nodded.

You: So what does he want you to do with the money?

Julian: Well his bond is 2,000 and he has only 800 that we went and got for him, but dont worry about the rest, we'll take care of it. So until we get the rest he's gona have to be patient for a while..

You: a While?

Mike: He's just gona have to be patient..But listen until we get the rest, we need you to keep THIS money here put up. But until further notice we fina go try and make the rest, but call any of us if anything happens or if you need us. 

I nodded ounce more, then they got up and left leaving me with the money in the living room. So i grabbed it and took it back upstairs to my room to put it up. And just as i did, my phone rang, and when i looked at it, it was a long number, but i answered anyway not really caring...

(Phone Convo)

You: Hello..

Operator: Hello, you are receiving a call from the Los Angeles County facility...If you would like to accept this call from "Chris" press Pound (#) now..

I did as the woman said then it rung a few times, then.....

Chris: Baby?

You: Chris?

Chris: You alright?

You: Yea...Umm Julian and Mike came, they brought me the money and left..

Chris: Alright...*Sighs*

You: I miss you already..

Chris: *Laughs* Trust me, when im away from you in a place like this i miss you too..

You: ...How long do you think it'll be before you come back to me?

Chris: I dont know hopefully not long...Listen bab-

Dial Tone..........

(Phone Convo)

As Chris was going to say something else, the phone hung up. Then i remembered that they only get a couple of minutes per phone call. I sighded to myself, then i went ahead and went to go get in the shower.....

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